Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 512495040052985876
He bashed the “intellectual dark web” by saying most of them were cosmopolitans or their wives were. Aka jews
@TIDE is right. He's trying to stay relevant and the Alt-Right guys are the closest thing he's got to an audience now.
He’s not a friend of the right or the white.
My dad once got a PUA book
Rollo Tomasi is a Finn or an Italian, right?
really weird how I'm the more "conservative" one
though I guess that's the case for most of you
I read “the Game” by (((Neil Strauss))) totally useless
lol that's the one my dad had
Its so 90s it hurts
It might be more productive to read books on social skills
Who knows Jacob. Your Dad could have used the “my ex gf” trick on your mom.
Patrick recommended me "How to Win Friends and Gain Influence"
Waiting tables is the best way to learn to be social.
@Sam Anderson redstone me on this trick
Its been a while... but @Jacob its some bs about ask some chick about advice for you and dealing with your ex gf. His methods are all so Jewy
I don't think my dad knew about this stuff back then, though I guess it's possible
I like the OLD Hebrew way. Mogg the dad and say "I'll be your indentured servant for seven years but you have to give me your hot daughter"
@Alexander Pechorin
>wanting to be social
I was born when my dad was 35 and I'm an only child. Who knows what he was doing from 18-35. I honestly have no idea.
that's crazy to think about
there's a 17 year period in my dad's life where it's basically a mystery to me what he was doing
that's a really long time
Just recommend her TDS or send her some fashy memes, she'll fall right into your arms
No no chicks prefer The Third Rail
At least your Dad was not making you a plausible half sister in the Phillipines
I mean
we don't know that
Lauritz's constant blackpilling make women swoon
@Sam Anderson boomers with Asians make me cringe
Same bro.
Boomers with Asians glow in the dark and try to get the 2nd Ammendment destroyed.
And my dad didn't even meet my mom until like a year before I was born, which makes it even more of a mystery. It's not like he was married and getting ready to have a kid in that time.
I know he lived in California for a while. Zero idea what he did there.