Message from @Error 404

Discord ID: 801473603593568256

2021-01-20 15:27:20 UTC  

It’s a no for me bro

2021-01-20 15:27:24 UTC  

Pineapple Pizza ftw <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2021-01-20 15:27:38 UTC  

@Lynx Your fundamental mistake here which is hilariously moronic is that it only takes for a private entity like Google, to collaborate with some government institution to rapidly slap "Socialism!" label in it. That's what's retarded about your argumentative ordeal. It's the lost contrast fallacy. It's like calling fascism and communism all the same simply because they are all tyrannical and use government as their main force. Give me a fucking break.
"Corporations running the economy vs bureaucrats running the economy doesn't look that different, except corporations may be slightly less incompetent than the bureaucrats."
None of that shows we live in a socialist country, all that shows we live in a globalist oligarchy, which is my point. Are normie conservatives have to be this myopic about sociopolitical terms to maintain their conservative grounds just to not appear as pedantic as the left? It's a pathetic argumentative tactic, imo.

2021-01-20 15:27:43 UTC  

Tofu pizza ftw!

2021-01-20 15:27:54 UTC  

Pineapple pizza is for communists and city dwellers

2021-01-20 15:27:54 UTC  

I declare jan 20th pineapple pizza day

2021-01-20 15:27:55 UTC  

LOL the fox news coverage of the Inoguration is at 1.7K like to 1.5K dislikes Lets fix that

2021-01-20 15:27:55 UTC  


2021-01-20 15:27:59 UTC  

I mean, I think more saying that if Texas secedes more states will like "it happened last time" is more the problem

2021-01-20 15:28:29 UTC  


2021-01-20 15:28:36 UTC  

Nicknames are epic, discord wont suspect a thing lol

2021-01-20 15:28:41 UTC  

wow, maybe we need to stick to recipes for apple pie ...

2021-01-20 15:28:47 UTC  

y'all see the news?

2021-01-20 15:28:49 UTC  

Yeah I get that but te it itself shouldn’t be bannable

2021-01-20 15:28:55 UTC  

If social media companies can ignore freedom of speech because they’re “private”, then a private bakery owner can refuse to bake a cake for gays due to their religion

2021-01-20 15:28:58 UTC  

You're gay and cringe.

2021-01-20 15:29:04 UTC  

Ok retard

2021-01-20 15:29:37 UTC  

The confederacy was a bunch of racist democrats.

2021-01-20 15:29:42 UTC  


2021-01-20 15:29:55 UTC  

McGoober is a democrat

2021-01-20 15:29:57 UTC  

@ViolentLotus1 bro that username I cannot <:KEK:795742276549607456>

2021-01-20 15:30:00 UTC  

If you think 1860s southern democrats are the same thing as modern ones you're a fucking moron lol

2021-01-20 15:30:07 UTC  

@HMAB stop trying to start arguments with everybody here.

2021-01-20 15:30:09 UTC  

That user name is hilarious

2021-01-20 15:30:13 UTC  

Mcgoober is racist at times too.

2021-01-20 15:30:19 UTC  

They are part of American heritage and America should be proud of their heritage, even if they may disagree with some of their ideas. Confederates were Americans even if they had some errors whatever they maybe. McGoober has every right to wave the flag.

2021-01-20 15:30:30 UTC  

the only similarities are that they are both racist

2021-01-20 15:30:44 UTC  

I want to wave the pineapple pizza flag

2021-01-20 15:30:50 UTC  

How was that starting an argument, I was pointing out an obvious thing most people agree with

2021-01-20 15:30:52 UTC  

True but we best not get to Lost Causing

2021-01-20 15:30:59 UTC  

Cheese pizza flag all the way 😡

2021-01-20 15:31:07 UTC  

I mean sorta i guess if you look at it sideways? Even then a single thing in common doesnt mean they're the same thing

2021-01-20 15:31:09 UTC  

Pointing out a thing for the sole purpose of pissing someone off.

2021-01-20 15:31:28 UTC  

That's a slippery slope to being a Confederate sympathizer

2021-01-20 15:31:31 UTC  

Uh oh the FBI agent is typing

2021-01-20 15:31:40 UTC  

You can’t win dude, it’s communist rule now

2021-01-20 15:31:42 UTC  

Your mistake is assuming socialism has to be explicit where government is officially passing laws and shit to control the economy. You're also being pedantic when you insist it's not socialist, and act like people are commiting some crime or "selling out" if they view it to be socialist because it involves central planning either way.

2021-01-20 15:31:44 UTC  

Britain enslaved half the fucking planet and you dont piss ur pants over ur own flag so stfu

2021-01-20 15:31:50 UTC  

elecrolytes, it's what the plants crave.

2021-01-20 15:32:19 UTC  

I love how there’s people arguing politics, and then there’s others arguing over cheese pizza <:LeoDecaprio:768140752525852742>

2021-01-20 15:32:19 UTC  

The democrats were the ones who were racist and had slaves while the republicans were the ones who fought against it but the democrats did a little reverse cards and the republicans never changed