Message from @SayIDidIt™
Discord ID: 801559269560418314
What happened to the covid memes??
@isoboto hello Isoboto
ah, i see. he didn't quote you so i didn't catch on
Check <#801170115957489724>
can't meme the covid or it's vaccine for some reason
Good question
Everyone please read #🔔|announcements.
Hey Dyno!
So, how many days do you give him? Until impeachment, natural death, and ***other possible reasons for retirement***.
So now discord is censored, can i still say clownworld, cause that’s what we’re livin in
Look at memes
Look at mmemeemeemes!
He's an old larp, I'd imagine he'll only let go if he's dead
I'm going to be as realistic with this guess as possible, if not overly generous... I give him 4 months
CIA is already on it
3 days
I give him 11 minutes
Regardless of what happens at this point, Trump deserves a vacation.
Trump deserves to live out his days in peace
I cant find #just-sharing
Oops, fixed. I'm not awake yet.
I feel like Trump might run again in 2024
He did say it.
He shouldn’t
no point he was *Server nuking word* out we cant win an election again now
Trump literally said, in so many words, "I'll be back".
[terminator theme plays]
As much as I love the guy he shouldn’t run in 2024. He’ll be too old
He'd be the same age as Biden is now lol
***Terminator Trump. TT***
I'd really like to know what Trump meant when he said "the calm before the storm" in that one video of him and his staff taking final pictures
The dems dont want to know thats for sure
45 also said "Have a good life" before he walked away with Melania
Probably talking about the middle eastern kids biden will blow up
I mean yeah it could definitely mean something about 46's admin, but who knows honestly. Only the coming days/weeks will tell