Message from @DangerousFreedom

Discord ID: 799482576318234674

2021-01-14 22:00:34 UTC  

It seems there was preplanning for the violence. If so, wouldn’t that mean the interpretation of his speech wasn’t the proximate cause of the Capitol break in?

2021-01-14 22:05:33 UTC  

No. Not at all... go back and pull up some of the ads and the requests online from Trump, higher ups in his Admin and campaign.
There were things on FB and Twitter in the Responses to Trump's speech that made it clear some of his followers were interpreting it as a call to arms.

If you go further off the mainstream but still in places well known and frequently accessed by Trump it was very clear that many of his supporters took this to mean it was a call to arms.

At one point Donnie Jr was actively using language like "army" and and the like

2021-01-14 22:07:14 UTC  

I know that I specifically mentioned the speech just before Trump sent them to the Capitol.... but not by any stretch is that the only problem here..... That was just the last bit. This seed was planted long ago and they starting putting the fertilizer to it once he lost the election

2021-01-14 22:28:46 UTC  

It's ridiculous to blame his speech and previous rhetoric for the violence.

If that sort of rationale was acceptable, then half the news anchors and every Democrat politician that has made a public statement would be guilty of this and must step down or be impeached. Not only has their rhetoric been much more inflammatory, the violence that has resulted from their language has been more severe and widespread.

If they haven't been held accountable, that means this standard is inapplicable here.

To me, and many others, this appears to be another situation where the result, Trump's impeachment/removal, must be justified by something, anything. The violence at the Capitol is a perfect incident to use so tying his speech and his past statements to this violence is the goal, rather than the true reason 100 people chose to be violent.

This rationale also doesn't consider the actions from Democrats and their impact on these people. These rioters don't hate Congress because of Trump, they hate it because of Congress.

2021-01-14 22:33:48 UTC  

You are certainly entitled to hold that opinion. I find it as ridiculous as you apparently find mine. And that is ok....

But I would challenge to to find ANY Democratic Politician or ANY other politician in the last 30 years that has used such inflammatory rhetoric.

I will be more than happy to play that game. You can choose any 10 US Politicians over the last 30 years and list their inflammatory statements.... and I will respond with statements from just Trump....

Up for it?

2021-01-14 22:38:10 UTC  

@Chrystal💗, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-14 22:39:55 UTC  

I am happy to play the game with you too... but to make it easier.. Just list the politcian's name and copy and paste the quote. If I doubt any I will look it up myself, but I trust you.

2021-01-14 22:50:58 UTC  

What game? The more statements you quote from Trump, the more you prove my point.

Each statement you find would dilute the impact of his other statements. Yet Democrats have said worse things more often and we’ve had much more unrest from their followers.

2021-01-14 22:55:30 UTC  

Oh... well then we could actually look at incidents of violence where the people committing the violence linked it directly to Trump and Trump defended that same violence....

Wanna play that game?

2021-01-14 23:03:14 UTC  

“C’mon, man.”
I think it’s ok to just let this one go. The Dems have the media in their “toolkit”, as Robert has put it, so they can get away with basically anything.

With this (basically) established fact, we can reasonably conclude that this whole impeachment thing is political theater. I mean, they didn’t even wait for all the facts to come out and impeached him in a day. They’ve turned this into a joke.

2021-01-14 23:07:08 UTC  

I dunno man.... pissing and kicking a homeless man in the name of Trump seems pretty fucking deplorable regardless...

Dealing with a browser issue right now but will be happen to give you an idea of what I am talking about.

I have no delusions that it will change your mind on the matter... but I willing to bet you are not aware of a great deal of it.... as it goes mostly unreported in conservative news circles

2021-01-14 23:12:13 UTC  

Pissing and kicking a homeless man is unacceptable for any reason. I find it hard to believe it was done *in support* of Trump, however, given that behavior is incongruent with what Trump (or Republicans) stand for and in no way helps accomplish anything.

2021-01-15 01:56:52 UTC  

@DangerousFreedom .... you find it hard to believe? Really?


Two Boston men beat a homeless man with a metal pipe and then urinated on him. After arrested one of the men said:
“Trump was right. All of these illegals need to be deported.” 

Trump’s response:
“I will say, the people that are following me are very passionate. They love this country. They want this country to be great again. But, thy are very passionate. I will say that.”

2021-01-15 01:57:57 UTC  

Or what about

At a rally in Alabama a Black man, Merutio Southall, yelled, "n Birmingham, Alabama, Trump demanded the removal of Black activist Mercutio Southall Jr. after he yelled, “Black lives matter!” 

Trump’s response: 

Trump immediately ordered security to,“Get him the hell out of here! Get him out of here! Throw him out!” 
Southall fell and men surrounding him began to kick and hit him.

2021-01-15 01:58:16 UTC  

The next day Trump told FOX News:
“Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing. I have a lot of fans, and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy who was a troublemaker who was looking to make trouble.”

2021-01-15 02:11:34 UTC  

Yeppers... looks like that actually did happen. Of course, not of it was illegal.

He is well within his rights to hang with white supremacist and drink alcohol so long as his guardian is present (weird law I guess but true)

2021-01-15 03:29:47 UTC  

Are you kidding me with this? These are quite petty.

When he was first asked about it, he didn’t know what had happened. “It would be a shame” [if actual supporters of his would do something like this...]

He later tweeted:
“Boston incident is terrible. We need energy and passion, but we must treat each other with respect, I would never condone violence."

This presumes they were even Trump supporters and not just random idiots making a flippant comment. This wasn’t done at a rally or anything. This is a real reach.

So a few people roughed up a BLM heckler at his rally as they ejected him? Wow. Have you ever worked at a bar or been to a concert? Have you seen bouncers remove troublemakers from an establishment?

His response was stupid, I’ll admit, but typically people are roughed up when removed by force so the question itself was stupid and a loaded question.

2021-01-15 03:38:19 UTC  

More misinformation.

The Proud Boys aren’t white supremacists. There’s no rational argument that supports labeling a multi-cultural group led by an Afro-Cuban from Miami as “white supremacist”. The radical left’s obsession with labeling groups that disagree with them as “white supremacists” is appalling and another example of why the media is to blame for a lot of the divisiveness in this country.

The ‘ok’ sign is a 4chan troll of the left’s gullibility to believe anything. The fact that it’s widely known to be a troll and yet they still call it a “white power” sign shows you how little credibility they have.

2021-01-15 03:53:18 UTC  

Be civil with one another.

2021-01-15 04:27:44 UTC  

They most certainly are a hate group with White Supremacist leanings.... Additionally, the people in that group he met up with was not limited to Proud Boys. The prosecutors claim that there were "Known White Supremacists" that posed with him throwing up the "gang sign" that has been co-opted to be a "W" and a "P" for "White Power"

I did look into that "sign" as I had never heard of that before (of course I am not aware of any gang signs at all) but that is accurate... that "sign" that the large group of guys with Rittenhouse were all "throwing the same sign" and the prosecutors indicated there were "Known White Supremacists" in the group.

There is lots of info on line about it. There is even images from the security footage inside the bar that make its pretty undeniable they are "throwing that sign"

But... as I said... in and of itself, being a white supremacist is not illegal, nor is throwing white supremacist gang signs.

Its not illegal to be a piece of shit white supremacist and he is free to do that... I don't even think that particular fact (in and of itself) is relevant to his criminal charges. But I am sure the prosecution will try to get that stuff in to try to prove intent or motive.

Also... and I just say this because people assume I think he should be convicted... But, based on the evidence I have seen so far (I watch the preliminary hearing) I would not vote to convict him. It looks like a very strong case for self defense to me. Even white supremacists pieces of shit have a right to defend themselves.

2021-01-15 04:32:03 UTC  

Man... that is not anywhere close to the worst... that was just the FIRST incident that I found. But its past this Little Pretty Snowflake's bedtime.

I will post the rest of Trump Supporters committing violence and what Trump said in response and how its obvious he lit the fuse in those people.

2021-01-15 05:21:06 UTC  

If all people who make the 👌 sign are racist then anyone who uses a🌈 must be gay right??? Its so hard to keep track of who we're attacking these days...

2021-01-15 05:29:55 UTC  

Is their list of "known white supremacists" anything like the media's "Trump won't condemn white supremacy" line?

2021-01-15 12:41:09 UTC  

Again... I stated that this was a claim of the prosecutors. But, yes there are lists. Law enforcement has been keeping lists and files on known gang members for years. Its often used in sentencing a defendant or conspiracy charges, motive and intent.