
Discord ID: 687052823002611760

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Is their list of "known white supremacists" anything like the media's "Trump won't condemn white supremacy" line?

They have not only censored my posts, but once on FB I was touch typing a message and found other words coming out on screen. If my hands were misplaced they would not have been real words that came out. But what came out were real words, but not what I was typing. So I am no longer on Facebook.

Two policemen in Seattle lost their jobs just for being in DC at the time. They were not even at the gathering.

Well, any city that cuts the police budget by millions, loses their Police Chief (a Black Female) because she didn't like the $100,000 cut in her pay, lets the rioters set up an autonomous district in their city for months, really doesn't need a reason to be unreasonable. I'm sorry I don't recall the news source I heard that from, but it was not a major/legacy news media source.

I also have heard both of those causes for his death. He apparently got back up and kept working but died later. The other police officer committed suicide that evening or the next day.

If you were watching Watching The Watchers you would have learned that most of the cases were dismissed for latches or standing, very few got to evidential status. The SCOTUS and the SCO one state both refused the cases brought to them.

Trump specifically said they would go to the capitol and be peaceful. Your major news networks won't have told you that, though. They always skip that sentence of the speech.

Yes. Mr. Gruler does a fine job explaining each case as it came along.

You might also note that Trump was still speaking when the capitol was broken into, so it wasn't the people he was speaking to who did it.

How many African countries have the air-travel/capita that the US has? That is one of the main reasons that we have spread it in the US more than a lot of countries. Also, you might consider that the states in the US treated it entirely differently - Florida, with a much older population and which never locked down is better than New York, which has locked down the heaviest.

Troll much?!? If you listened to the Watching The Watchers videos there was lots of evidence, but most cases were dismissed for latches and standing. Whether there was enough evidence to have overturned the election we won't know unless they keep investigating, which won't happen with Dems in power.

Can you site a source for breaking into a woman's home and stealing her computer to squelch numbers?

Did you bother to follow up on the sources of that report? Try this link that was in that report:

Hacking into government systems is a serious offence.

True, but it does say the warrent was issued for something other than what she says it was about. The facts do not care about your feelings.

What a cogent argument against what she said you have: "She is screaming like what she thinks a (sic) impassioned speech is supposed to sound like." That surely defeats her argument, if only in your eyes. She is obviously impassioned, as anyone who cared a damn about this being a rule-of-law society should be!

I don't believe I ever mentioned fraud, and I don't recall her mentioning it, either. Typically, when you can't counter the argument you change the subject. She is speaking fervently and intelligently about a problem with the election laws not being followed because a lawsuit was filed and a bad judge decided to make a ruling that was not in his power to make, thus allowing non-elected officials to change the rules that elected officials had made at a time when they should not have been changed, even if the elected officials had decided to do so. If you can't understand that, perhaps your education is lacking in logic, as it is in grammar.

I don't believer Pence has appeared in military garb in the last 20 years. This is a blatant attempt to smear him.

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