Message from @Joe Snow

Discord ID: 799645114301284383

2021-01-15 12:30:04 UTC  

I feel like the most important part was missing from the video is that Twitter doesn’t host its feed on Amazon which gives AWS no say in content moderation 🤷

2021-01-15 12:31:31 UTC  

I posted a comment about that just prior to you making this comment. Impeachment works the same way whether the person being impeached is a President or a Federal Judge. We have seen Congress vote on a Federal Judge's ability to hold office in the future.

I also noted that it would likely been challenged in court.... but again there is precedent. Congress has exercised this power in Impeachment Proceedings before....

2021-01-15 12:34:21 UTC  

To me that’s like two guys renting a storage unit and one fills it with illegal drugs and gets kicked out and says look at what that other guy has in his house. What? That’s none of the storage companies business 😂

2021-01-15 12:36:42 UTC  

No. That is not a theory. That is the way it works. Trump is one of only 3 to have been impeached. And Trump is the only one of those to be impeached twice.

So... its not a theory. But perhaps you meant to say "technically" instead of "theoretically"

2021-01-15 13:34:29 UTC  

"Ill go to the white house and throw molotov coctails"

Is a stretch, but

"Go and peacefully and patriotically make our voices heard"

Is violence....?

2021-01-15 13:38:37 UTC  

This chatroom doesn't deal in reality. Nobody here believes that it was soyboys who breeched the capitol even though theyre on video and well known.

2021-01-15 13:48:29 UTC  

@RobertGrulerEsq In regards to the article of impeachment they failed to realize the rioters were breaching the capitol while Trump was making speech. The part they are using Trump was talking about fighting for election integrity.

2021-01-15 14:03:38 UTC  

That’s how TWITter sees it

2021-01-15 14:10:45 UTC  

Strong strawman game.

2021-01-15 14:12:54 UTC  

@Maw let the first few slide but ad homs not seeming productive the the conversation

2021-01-15 14:14:10 UTC  

@Joe Snow Be civil. I don't generally let things slide at all. No ad hominem attacks on anyone.

2021-01-15 14:19:46 UTC  

Im not sure what that means.

2021-01-15 14:20:06 UTC  

Being civil 😂

2021-01-15 14:20:12 UTC  

Pointing out that antifa is on video breeching the capital is pointing out factual evidence

2021-01-15 14:20:28 UTC  

Im not 'attacking' anyone. Are you that sensitive?

2021-01-15 14:21:07 UTC  

Oooh because i called em soyboys? My bad.

2021-01-15 14:21:11 UTC  

Ill watch it

2021-01-15 14:21:50 UTC  

Didnt realize we had terrorists in the chatroom we had to appease 😒

2021-01-15 14:23:25 UTC  

The moderators? 🍿

2021-01-15 14:23:54 UTC  

Idk. Im referring to antifa

2021-01-15 14:24:11 UTC  

If the mods are antifa, and are offended by me calling antifa soyboys, then i apologize to them.

2021-01-15 14:25:45 UTC  

A rando posting something stupid and getting fired presents no danger to anyone. A potus riling up his voting base into a rioting frenzy and pointing them at the capitol does.

2021-01-15 14:26:24 UTC  

The part of his speech theyre quoting was said after the capitol had been breeched, but ok.

2021-01-15 14:27:58 UTC  

@Dedkraken they breached the capitol 20 minutes before trump finished speaking.

2021-01-15 14:28:03 UTC  

Im not asking you to buy trump wholesale, im just imploring you to think critically for once in your life..

2021-01-15 14:28:35 UTC  

Its also like a 15 min walk

2021-01-15 14:28:59 UTC  

The instigation was saying Pence didn’t have the courage to steal the election and do what needed to be done counting fake electoral college votes. Telling that to an armed band of extreme folks has a predictable violent outcome after an attack had already been planned

2021-01-15 14:29:55 UTC  

That didnt happen either. Lets be honest here if were going to be expected to be civil

2021-01-15 14:30:06 UTC  

So the die hard trump supporters would have been listening to Trump. I’d bet money on the fact that anyone who was stood there listening to Trump did not enter the capitol building. Unless they can fly.

2021-01-15 14:31:32 UTC  

He wanted pence to make the call to send the slates back to the states to recertify, like the 5 letters from different states were requesting in light of new evidence.

2021-01-15 14:31:55 UTC  

Something pence is well within his authority to do

2021-01-15 14:32:04 UTC  

Ofc it happened this was immediately prior to the mob chanting hang mike pence

2021-01-15 14:32:30 UTC  

Anyone know if the Italy stuff is even remotely true?

2021-01-15 14:32:50 UTC  

Contrary to popular belief, congress has zero duty to knowingly certify fraudulently slated electors.

2021-01-15 14:32:55 UTC  

Please tell me how that’s instigating violence?

2021-01-15 14:33:09 UTC  

This will hold up in court true or this will convince Trump supporters true?

2021-01-15 14:33:25 UTC  

He wanted pence to make the call to send the slates back to the states to recertify, like the 5 letters from different states were requesting in light of new evidence.

2021-01-15 14:33:32 UTC  

Months of lying about voter fraud and saying we need to fight to win this election perhaps?

2021-01-15 14:33:45 UTC  

Not "sTeAl ThE eLeCtIoN"

2021-01-15 14:34:04 UTC  

When you quit lying we can have an adult conversation

2021-01-15 14:34:11 UTC  

You seem to be missing the rest of his sentence.