Message from @K0rruptDumplingz
Discord ID: 797320795550384149
Welcome to the cornfields
Welcome to The Adorable Deplorable, @12thman! Please read the rules and have a great time!
Welcome to The Adorable Deplorable, @Dubbz412! Please read the rules and have a great time!
the party switch is a myth invented by democrats in order to excuse themselves from losing the south
isnt this general
not debate
debate is seldom used
i never used it anyway
well that is a very debatable take
Welcome to The Adorable Deplorable, @abethebabe! Please read the rules and have a great time!
i mean republicans were competitive in the south as early as the 20s and 50s. Democrats were still strong in the south as late as the 90s- 20 years after the civil rights movement where the party switch supposedly took place
trump is daddy
Yes but only at local levels
whats your source
Except for Clinton
that's what i was going to say
he won mimal, tennessee, and kentucky twice
Yeah I mean it wasn’t immediate by the Democrats did lose seats as a result of the civil rights act
tf is mimal
The southern democratic senators in 1964 were against civil rights act
So it didn’t happen immediately
but the party switch did happen
the j in donald j trump stands for jenius
only in the most superficial way possible; the dems still wanted blacks on their plantation and they kept them there by means of the welfare state
White people benefit from welfare as well
not to the same extent
LBJ the man who made Medicaid was in favor of the civil rights act and against keeping black ppl on plantation
excuse me?
you do understand thats racist correct?
The party switch was a very real thing that happened. Literally no respected historian will agree with you on this.
Welcome to The Adorable Deplorable, @wonderbread6921! Please read the rules and have a great time!
Thank you KTB
thank you
thank you
i love jews
Also where are all the new people coming from
>respected historian