Message from @fgtveassassin

Discord ID: 516456356388012032

2018-11-26 03:19:33 UTC  

tucker far right? naw. populist? absolutely.

2018-11-26 03:20:06 UTC  

@fgtveassassin The more I learn about metapolitics and activism, though, at least under the present dispensation, I'd actually say that I'm an unironic illiberal democrat now (with a lower-cased "d") 😎

2018-11-26 03:20:08 UTC  

Well he's not a left wing populist, and third position is pretty much a waste of time to get into

2018-11-26 03:20:18 UTC  

so by default, Far right.

2018-11-26 03:20:46 UTC  

lol he's just right wing, he's not far right by any stretch

2018-11-26 03:20:48 UTC  

I'm not saying we should push racialism on people right away

2018-11-26 03:21:33 UTC  

I'm just saying that we eventually need to move people beyond the ideas that Tucker is allowed to say on Fox

2018-11-26 03:21:53 UTC  

Recruit TERFs

2018-11-26 03:22:00 UTC  

🌲 🌲

2018-11-26 03:22:02 UTC  

Obviously you need to get a feel for people and don't throw too much at them at one time

2018-11-26 03:22:03 UTC  

@fgtveassassin Ultimately, the flaws of just about any system can be overcome. The problem is that we've gone centuries (if not millennia) without fully understanding the rules of the game.

2018-11-26 03:23:56 UTC  

I would say there's still a lot more to figure out but I feel most systems could work to extent in a homogenous society

2018-11-26 03:23:59 UTC  

I think first you need to entrench them into their place in the anti globalist (whatever you want to call this) movement, and then push them into a more partisan and passionate reflection of that conviction rather than a more strict ideological position like Identitarian. Just managing to get a lot of the population in support of a wall, getting rid of Daca, visas, and stuff like that will be a massive success on its own

2018-11-26 03:28:27 UTC  

I mean I guess

2018-11-26 03:28:53 UTC  

There still needs to be people pushing the edge of the Overton Window

2018-11-26 03:29:24 UTC  

I don't think anyone here is going to tell you that we *shouldn't* have guys like Tucker

2018-11-26 03:31:37 UTC  

@fgtveassassin @Bjorn - MD I wouldn't say that why system could work in a homogenous society, though I do believe that we should put our differences aside to some extent while we get larger issues sorted out

2018-11-26 03:32:07 UTC  

@Jacob Agreed.

2018-11-26 03:32:35 UTC  

Why? Not down with White Juche, lol?

2018-11-26 03:32:59 UTC  

I used to say that in a homogenous society everything would sort itself out, but, the thing is, we *did* have a homogenous society, and the system led to where we are today.

2018-11-26 03:33:10 UTC  

@Jacob of course, I really couldn't care less if someone is nazbol, ancap or wants white juche, the survival of our people is first, foremost and non-negotiable

2018-11-26 03:34:55 UTC  

@Jacob We haven't had a homogenous society in at least 1,948 years... 😏

2018-11-26 03:36:35 UTC  

Ya I agree with that. I don't hold any ill will towards pro-white activists who support a different system than I do. However, I will respectfully promote what I see as a preferable system as long as it doesn't get divisive.

2018-11-26 03:36:39 UTC  
2018-11-26 03:37:40 UTC  

Here's looking forward to the day when it's just us, so we can all be comfortably at each other's throat again 😌

2018-11-26 03:38:11 UTC  

Political discourse tends to be much more respectful in homogenous societies

2018-11-26 03:38:30 UTC  

That it does.

2018-11-26 03:39:09 UTC  

I mean like in Poland no one really gives a shit who you voted for

2018-11-26 03:39:39 UTC  

People have their opinions but it generally doesn't get heated like it does here

2018-11-26 03:40:16 UTC  

Yeah, but I think that a lot of our historical political divisions were manifestations of conflicting ethics, rooted in our religious diversity.

2018-11-26 03:40:33 UTC  

Former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov said The Other Russia "united national-bolsheviks, nationalists, liberals, social-democrats, and socialists" and adding that "there are no parties similar to that one anywhere in the world"

2018-11-26 03:40:59 UTC  

...whereas, in Poland, you're Catholic, or if you're Polish Orthodox, you're looked at with suspicion, lol.

2018-11-26 03:41:31 UTC  

I don't think that's really a thing though

2018-11-26 03:41:43 UTC  

It is, but it's small.

2018-11-26 03:41:56 UTC  

Are you sure those aren't just Ukrainians?

2018-11-26 03:42:22 UTC  
2018-11-26 03:49:56 UTC  


2018-11-26 03:50:44 UTC  

I've thought of becoming Orthodox since I like the ethnically based churches, but, I don't know where I would go

2018-11-26 03:57:47 UTC  

no lol

2018-11-26 03:58:39 UTC  

@Nemets In Poland, yeah, but here, they just get lumped in with whatever just walked outta the airport.

2018-11-26 03:58:46 UTC  

it's not a separate church