Message from @Sticks
Discord ID: 590313598019043334
looking thick, solid, tight. I wanna see them gyno nips
What’s dat
the juice dawg
Ah roids. Wish I could afford to do that on my minimum wage pal. Have thought of becoming a cam whore once for this very reason before
you can really cash in on g4p
I should check it out
yeah I do fitness, fitness dick in dat ass
1.93m, 90.5kg, 9% bodyfat
Most of my fat is in my hips and ass tho
And yes, my traps are lacking and I hit em 3 times a week at least
What the hell kinda posture is that?
photographing my back
Tall endomorph lats
keep up the great work friend
Thx m8
GG @vuccboi, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Gotta work dem traps up to math my 3d delts
don't skip leg day
I dont
I used to train legs once 2 or 3 weeks when i was cycling to work 1.5 hour a day
I quit my job there and now i work legs every week or every 2 weeks
get squats
I can leg press 500kg with proper range of motion
But my squat game weak due to my length
leg press is for pansies
get squats going
The leverage is at my disadvantage
I do squat
your height makes squats the most important thing you can do
Only thing is, leverage is at disadvantage
I finish my leg days off with either isolation or leg presses last weeks
I cant squat over 3 plates, which is my PR