Message from @vuccboi
Discord ID: 590311848725708840
That’s a nice deep squat
Nah man this is only just parallel. I've narrowed my stance since this pic was taken and I squat much deeper now, like literally hams touching calves
>not a gym goer
@gauravtee a significant majorof right wingers are fat bodies.... no gym.
A few months ago. More cut and bigger now.
Das it mane
looking thick, solid, tight. I wanna see them gyno nips
What’s dat
the juice dawg
Ah roids. Wish I could afford to do that on my minimum wage pal. Have thought of becoming a cam whore once for this very reason before
you can really cash in on g4p
I should check it out
yeah I do fitness, fitness dick in dat ass
1.93m, 90.5kg, 9% bodyfat
Most of my fat is in my hips and ass tho
And yes, my traps are lacking and I hit em 3 times a week at least
What the hell kinda posture is that?
photographing my back
Tall endomorph lats
keep up the great work friend
Thx m8
GG @vuccboi, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in any channel.
Gotta work dem traps up to math my 3d delts
don't skip leg day
I dont
I used to train legs once 2 or 3 weeks when i was cycling to work 1.5 hour a day
I quit my job there and now i work legs every week or every 2 weeks
get squats
I can leg press 500kg with proper range of motion