Message from @BavarianBarbarian
Discord ID: 454842288892280832
Does this make me a Boomer?
No but if you think both are "leftwing" youre a boomer
I've never maxed out, I will soon
@BavarianBarbarian But they're both socialists!
I've been focused on dropping fat
Made $200 in 2 days<:dab:402362224527671306>
I gotta put at least 20 into church, give back to God
still can't believe the absolute state of american christians being zionist
@Metaphysical Monarchist Dinesh is the worst, i read the whole book, it has made up lies and fake sources on every 2nd to 3rd page, not kidding
He’s a joke
Obama went after him unfairly but he’s still an idiot
the ____ are the real racists
fill in the blank
My favourite from my collection of the american right who are historically dishonest like that jewish american guy who claimed to be a survivor and ended up being called out and saying: "It was real in my mind!"
I wonder if DInesh knows Antifa was formed before the SA, and the SA, Wehrwolf and other rightwing militias were formed in response to combat Antifa
boomer overload
I don't think I can take much more
Antifa has it's roots in 1916 by german mlitary servuce dodgers, name was adopted by 1926. before that it was the "Rote Front", then "Spartakus Bund", then after german patriots killed the Spartakus leaders (who were all jewish coincidentally) they were "Rote Frontkämpfer" then in 1926 the propaganda wing of the german communist "Rote Front" was called "Antifaschistische Aktion" and later when the Rote Front was outlawed they adopted "Antifaschistische Aktion" as both Propaganda arm and Militia. That was all before Hitler
Just as a quick rundown for the people in here who didn't know about that
more americans should know that history
nicker GANG
Here a picture of a makeshift car of the "Schwarzer Haufen" of the Freikorps who fought the communists after Bavaria turned communist in 1919 for a short time.
>tfw you'll never be as cool
tfw no larper gf
fellas we gotta start planning for retirement
you know the system isnt gonna bail us out
alright heres my retirement plan: stream fortnite on twitch dot tv
Retirment? Fucking Americans. You work until you're dead
Work is Love Work is Life
Arbeit macht frei