Message from @Z-Man (soon to be Y A)

Discord ID: 560862045767991297

2019-03-28 16:19:03 UTC  

traps are like diet women, you want the good aspects of them but none of the bad but you know deep inside that they are not women

2019-03-28 16:19:29 UTC  

I just compared traps to diet soda?

2019-03-28 16:20:25 UTC  

Fuck you Z-man.

2019-03-28 16:20:42 UTC  

See it's how they feel that matters not biology

2019-03-28 16:20:58 UTC  

also, traps are the ultimate form of neoteny which is why are so attractive

2019-03-28 16:21:07 UTC  

If a trap says they're a woman they are a woman, explain that one atheists

2019-03-28 16:21:32 UTC  

are you familiar with neoteny?

2019-03-28 16:21:58 UTC  

Don't know what that is

2019-03-28 16:22:03 UTC  


Retention of juvenile characteristics in the adults of a species, as among certain amphibians.


The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage.

2019-03-28 16:22:07 UTC  


2019-03-28 16:22:28 UTC  


2019-03-28 16:22:28 UTC  


2019-03-28 16:23:04 UTC  

Well see God told me they are straight in a dearm HA checkmate

2019-03-28 16:23:05 UTC  

we men are naturally drawn to neoteny (why we find puppies adorable so much and we forgive everything from them? neoteny)

2019-03-28 16:23:37 UTC  

well everyone is drawn to cute things

2019-03-28 16:23:52 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) stop using facts. Feelings don't care about your facts.

2019-03-28 16:24:33 UTC  

and traps are adorable in the same way girls are (too look at that is)

2019-03-28 16:24:39 UTC  

Feminists SCREECH at Ben Shapiro using FEELINGS and ENTITLEMENT

2019-03-28 16:25:16 UTC  

HHH is typing. We're all doomed.

2019-03-28 16:25:22 UTC  

unless Youtube blocks the videos, you guys will hear some really good music from the soundtrack for Vice. Listening to it rn and its prob the best soundtrack from last year, surprised it didnt win any awards

2019-03-28 16:25:32 UTC  

feminists are hideous, but true femenine power derivates from neoteny and sexual allure, amplified by clothing, make up and surgery

2019-03-28 16:25:51 UTC  

there's a Video from Paul elam I strongly reccomend

2019-03-28 16:26:01 UTC  

Hello HHH

2019-03-28 16:26:01 UTC  

Is that why they are blatant feminists? Because men would rather fuck a literal cow over them?

2019-03-28 16:26:21 UTC  

Because they look like Roadkill times 10?

2019-03-28 16:26:36 UTC  
2019-03-28 16:26:51 UTC  

ugly feminist reeee because they have no othe recourse, besides, you know, working hard for their gravy

2019-03-28 16:27:46 UTC  

Nobody but a tard would touch them.

2019-03-28 16:28:01 UTC  

but we have to remember in this day and era the sex appeal and neoteny can be artificially enhanced so it created an artificial respone by the target ( ultra simping/whit knighting)

2019-03-28 16:28:09 UTC  

it takes some effort to resist the superstimuli

2019-03-28 16:28:47 UTC  

@Happy Humble Hermit question are traps gay?

2019-03-28 16:28:59 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) keeps saying yes

2019-03-28 16:29:06 UTC  

But we all know that's incorrect

2019-03-28 16:29:09 UTC  

after i finish my hw today i will record my open conspiracy video and use Vice music. tho it might be long, i lost my voice yesterday so i woke up early today. i do have to build my new desk when it comes in tho so im aiming for tonight or tomorrow

2019-03-28 16:29:15 UTC  

because theya re men even if they look like flat women

2019-03-28 16:29:34 UTC  

@Z-Man (soon to be Y A) but they feel like a woman so therefore are a woman

2019-03-28 16:29:46 UTC  

BOOM checkmate

2019-03-28 16:30:07 UTC  

why are traps called traps in the fiurst place? BECAUSE THEY LURE STRAIGHT MEN INTO CONSIDERING HOMOSEXUALITY

2019-03-28 16:30:16 UTC  

also what is trap anyway

2019-03-28 16:30:27 UTC  

a twink that crossdresses