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Guys I can do it only a few more days till I complete No Nut November!

Had a few close calls but I can do it!

Don't my sister watches it and its really bad

I tried to get into it but it's a shadow compared to last air bender

I have nothing against my sister's tastes since she is like 8 but i remember waiting for episodes of LAB as a kid and loving it

I find it ironic that back when i was under the blue pill i tried so hard to get women and they would always be repulsed by me but when i went MGTOW and focused on my studies, co curriculars, sports, reading, ect they all flawk to me and i turn them down

Yes i did get burnt by the fire i didn't go MGTOW bc i couldn't get women entirely (had 3 gfs 2 cheated) but mostly bc i couldn't handle the emotional drain any longer


Go commit toaster bath

Go commit unliving

The only thing keeping overwatch going is the hentai

Has anyone here ever met a woman who likes history?

I've met only one

The rest where completely ignorant i remember one girl saying "France was in World War 1?!??!"

The exception I was talking about is in her late 60s (she is my AP US History teacher)

She is a huge history buff and started the year by ranting about PC however the rest of the women in the class just rolled their eyes in disgust

Oh my fucking god is that a REAL GIRL!??!?!

@Happy Humble Hermit doesn't sound like a terrible idea but it shouldn't take up the whole video

It should be illegal to break the law

I'll rate it turning a blind eye to refugees raping locals

@Happy Humble Hermit where do you store your dolls?

I feel like if i had one and I put it in the closet then one of my dumb ass cousins will just wander in there and find it

@Happy Humble Hermit nice i kinda want one but 1 im 17 and 2 West Point would disapprove

And i dont feel comfortable keep it at my parent's place (they are very nosy)

@Misanthropic Imperial do those actually exist?

I find it ironic that liberals in the last 1800s and early 1900s where all about individual freedoms but now it's all about big authoritarian goverment

@Space wix dont really have to but if you want no one will stop you

We're very chill here

@Space wix irl it's very hard to find others who can have a deep conversation

Im lucky that i was able to find some irl but its only like 3 other people

@ToastMcGhost why are you fasting

I find it funny that at school they have assemblies on vaping and they pretend that they already know the long term effects due to "studies" even though vapes have only been around for a few years

The effects of cigarettes are much quicker then vaping yet that still takes decades to show

Also marry Christmas everyone

Does anyone know anyone who celebrates Kwanzaa

I feel like its just one of those holidays we learn just so liberals can say "happy holiday"

If liberals find out that im related to Andrew Jackson i think they'd hang me

Especially that i live in Boston


@EmptyEagle incels and black pilled ppl are fucking weird it's like they took mgtow and ripped out what made it good the whole self improvement and learning to accept women for who they are i guarantee you any black pill will become blue if they find a woman

Just curious what do you guys think about women in the military in combat roles? Personally i really wouldn't care if women where up to the same standards as the men im every way

Men the Lord's work must be done im gathering an elite group of hunters to end the furry threat

Aduit* learn to spell


i just built a new computer and it's lights are in the shape of a swastika

marriage is a fucking scam


Im 17 @Ajay

I would love to get a sex doll but 2 problems 1.) Im 17 and 2.) West Point wouldn't approve

No but I've used pornhub.com is that simular?

I don't know why but i got Over There by George Cohan stuck in my head

I think im ganna blast the earrape version next time i play civ as the US

I think it should fine

Islam is a religion

Bth the only decant muslims I've ever met personally were in Singapore when i was visiting family and it so happens that my cousin was dating a Muslim guy

The rest I've met in the US are either slackers or soy boys

@CappyK ive only met the guy once so i really dont have an opinion

He seems chill but like i said I've only met him once

@CappyK true plus it was at a family dinner

I don't know if middle eastern muslims are that different from Southeastern Asian Muslims

Im not an expert of the different sects of Islam

@CappyK depends of the sect of Christian

@CappyK Puritanism belived that any fun was a sin and that you where prechosen to go to hell or heven unless you prove yourself though hard labor

True true

Protestant reformation anyone?

I'm half rocket man and half surrender monkey

I'm ethnically Korean-French but i live in the US and have no cultural ties to those places @CappyK

So i say im American

Tbh i really don't give a fuck about ethnicity which is why i never understood why the left cared so much


The emotional sheep led by the corrupted wolves out number the rational dogs

Thats the best why to put it

I think why there are so many unreasonable leftists is because the school system treats them like babies till they are booted out of college and that they teach history all wrong


we didn't enter ww2 to stop the holocaust

@CappyK thank god my APUSH teacher denounced PC on the first day of class

My parents want to take a vacation there ans no matter how many times i tell them its a bad idea they still want to see the lions

Its like takeing a vacation to Syria @CappyK right after the first protesters where shot and the militias were first forming

>be South Africa
>kill all the white
>they owned 90% of the wealth
>immediate economic crash
>investors pull
>more economic turmoil

i think thay shitty greentext sums it up

That's like blaming a teacher for failing you bc you didn't study even though they told you to study

I got a topic request, how about making a video about how high schools/colleges are killing masculinity and teaches completely irrelevant material

Then follow that up with suggestions amd advice on how to overcome it

Tbh i dout a civil war would happen the nation isn't as political divided as in the 1850s

And bc congress is full of pussies no radical legislation would pass

I'm not arguing that culture is fine im saying it's not as fucked up as in the 1850s

I say we'll get to that point maybe in 50-100 years

If nothing changes and the left keeps violently attacking people

Yes but we have a way to go before reaching that point

Most people rn would rather bend over but when we reach that point even normies would says enough is enough

Remember people don't do anything unless is personally affects them

@batshadow same i wakr up at 4:30am everyday

How old is she and is she a college grat?

Bc being 100k in debt from college is the norm

And if she is fairly young i could see why she would rent instead of buy

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