Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 777751074366029825
Read this:
In essence the grounds for revolution were two: the offending government had to have moved away from the very reason for its being, namely the protection of each individual’s life, liberty, and property
and that there is a clear pattern of behaviour which proves that there is a “design” to create a despotic government over the people.
Sound familiar?
A tad
A slave to debt, act of 1871
Central banks, extra-government organizations and secret societies, all represent a threat to freedom to people worldwide
I believe nothing less then these entities total destruction must happen
Federal Reserve, United Nations, etc
CFR, Trilateral Commission
Anything to do with "Globalism"
And as JFK said about the C.I.A. we must smash them in to 1000 pieces
Yes, CIA, FBI, NSA, all these secretive groups in the government
Military should be the ones tasked with intelligence, and law enforcement can be left to states(FBI)
Need to restore a fully Constitutional Republic 100 percent in all parts of the country first
Hey @Maxine T, thanks for joining! :v::flag_us: Please read info in {announements} please! Thank you!
Another place to chat, some more people here to meet too
Thought I'd invite you and Bfreitas and the others if they want
@SwordX thanks sword. But, going to bed now. Talk to you guys later
Sleep well
Hey @Siris, thanks for joining! :v::flag_us: Please read info in {announements} please! Thank you!
Hey @Deleted User, thanks for joining! :v::flag_us: Please read info in {announements} please! Thank you!
Hey if anyone sees this hello 🙂
I was thinking that Trump may be planning something bigger and coodinated with allies, bigger than just a country-wide thing. Enemy is global, requires global response
I was thinking that even if we were rid of treasonous elements here, there would still be the globalists elsewhere continuing the plan
agreed 💯
Bigger than you can possibly imagine
I was thinking about our own military and while they can do alot, I was thinking we must have allies, I know there are quite a few countries against the globalism
Sweden, Brazil to name a few, also Russia and its allies
Japan too
Taiwan is obvious
yeah I think so too
other countries will help
Kim Jong Un clearly loves President Trump
Putin too it seems
even China never congratulated ByDen
Well I think the Chinese may be starting to see what the globalists will do if they get their way