Message from @SwordX

Discord ID: 780322071724032022

2020-11-23 00:10:36 UTC  

Yeah I see everyone going crazy on twitter over that

2020-11-23 00:11:25 UTC  

She is released to do what she can not do on TRUMPS team, both sides of the aisle make up the swamp chief...both sides.

2020-11-23 00:13:49 UTC  

I saw this one:

2020-11-23 00:14:39 UTC  

I think you liked this tweet Qrabbit

2020-11-23 00:14:57 UTC  

I saw ‎ 𐤒‎Rabitt and Anna Khait liked

2020-11-23 00:15:01 UTC  

hehe small world

2020-11-23 00:16:20 UTC  

I was at a yoga retreat. Thank for you posting all this and helping me catch up quick. #busy week for me.

2020-11-23 00:18:35 UTC  

No problem 🙂

2020-11-23 00:18:47 UTC  

BTW someone was friends with m3thods on twitter?

2020-11-23 00:18:49 UTC  

found this

2020-11-23 00:18:51 UTC  
2020-11-23 00:19:38 UTC  

Hes on Parler and abunch of others

2020-11-23 01:59:59 UTC  

Don't believe the deepstate media's lies about some kind of rift, or any of the rumors on Sidney. Its sad so many patriots are so easily influenced and jump to conclusions so quickly without looking at things rationaly, and waiting before jumping to said conclusions

2020-11-23 02:00:39 UTC  

But that said, thats the same society that has allowed things to get this bad. A society so easily influenced by people. Look at Covid, biggest example.

2020-11-23 05:21:54 UTC  

One thing I wonder, is Trump too nice? Will that be his downfall? Trump being so slow about it. He knows whats going on why not just use the military and wipe the deep state off the face of the earth? If you know there is a plot to destroy the US and usher in world government you go to court? makes no sense. Use Nukes if you have to, or Neutron Bombs, no radiation. IDC anyone, if its ethical or not, to do these things, if it stops them, who cares?

2020-11-23 06:41:19 UTC  


2020-11-23 06:41:34 UTC  

he did try, Vincent isn't saying nothin

2020-11-23 16:33:17 UTC  

I get the feeling that the recent actions at the Pentagon and ECW statements about the special forces new command structure are a piece being moved into place as a failsafe. I think Trump will ultimately win out in the courts. But I also think that should all else fail, we will see the military step in like they were ready to do in 2016. If military supports Trump then there truly is nothing that can stop what’s coming. The military being positioned across the country under the guise of vaccine administering, puts them in a position to strike quickly and decisively in the important spots. I think the 10,000 troop unit is still in DC and still active duty as they all are. Add the fact that the US is still under a declared state of war and Trump’s EO still has us under a 2018 declared national emergency for foreign interference. If the rest of the country need to finally have it showed to them in this manner, then let it come. Without the control of the US military to do their bidding as they have in the past, the cabal would be powerless to stop anything as long as the military is loyal to Trump.

2020-11-23 16:34:51 UTC  

Well said @msduncan9

2020-11-23 17:05:06 UTC  

Also EO Banning U.N.troops on U.S. soil. Thus the reason for all the anti gun crap in Virginia...if they come Virginia is the portal on the East coast, Washington State on the west coast

2020-11-23 19:41:45 UTC  

Military is loyal, Trump also made sure to get rid of any elements that weren't. He also put in Miller, giving Trump the Pentagon as well.

2020-11-23 19:58:12 UTC  

Linn said that things may get ugly soon, but he said that what appears then to be a civil war is in reality a revolutionary war, because for every communist behind a tree, there is a patriot under every blade of grass

2020-11-23 20:17:27 UTC  

Where did I read this weekend that Trump is prophet Elijah that has returned. Was that something.

2020-11-23 20:54:09 UTC  

@Ligg_Stephs The spirit of Elijah has come back, Ester as well.
McFiles44 on YouTube mentions these things occasionally.
Listen to what the prophets are saying.
Mark Taylor, Amanda Grace Ect...
This is very much spiritual warfare !!!

2020-11-23 20:54:46 UTC  

Thanks. I will check that out.
Still trying to catch up on today. Was on the road all day

2020-11-23 20:57:31 UTC  

Trumps first term was guaranteed, his second term depends on "The Church".
It is Gods will for Trump to have a second term, however many churches are backing Biden. 501 (C) 3 Churches

2020-11-23 20:57:44 UTC  


2020-11-23 20:58:18 UTC  

Mark Taylor will be on McFiles44 tonight around 7pm

2020-11-23 21:00:27 UTC  

We as "The Remant of the Church" must make up the difference. True Gospel Believers, not those buildings that try to draw $$$ and power

2020-11-23 21:01:50 UTC  

Tons of stuff to follow, all anons are exhausted...but keep at it #HoldTheLine

2020-11-23 22:22:07 UTC  

Read this guy on Parler...hees good

2020-11-23 22:22:23 UTC  
2020-11-23 22:22:49 UTC  

What ever it takes have faith

2020-11-23 22:24:43 UTC  

You need to see the bigger picture.

Wind your perspective back a ways with me.
Let's start by looking at the voter fraud as absolutely necessary to let happen.

If Dominion Voting Systems is shown to be crooked... what happens?
If, conclusively, we are able to show the true extent of deceit; what does that mean for the rest of the control mechanisms?

When a dam starts to burst, is it hard to stop?
Start walking backward through the timeline of fake narratives from the MSM.
Russiagate? Obamagate? Pizzagate?
What about Julian Assange?
What about Epstein?
What about the CIA?
Mockingbirds rendered SILENT, caught in a giant spiderweb sewn from their own lies.
The strong-arm of the real cult exposed.
What happens then?
Vindication, and action suddenly become possible.
Real change becomes possible.
The system itself becomes changeable.
And the corrupt, finally accountable.
People Unite.
Do not lose sight.
Do not lose hope.
The Lion rises up, and you with it.

Stay The Course. -E