Message from @Zaboomafoo

Discord ID: 773070826534207518

2020-11-02 00:28:55 UTC  


2020-11-02 00:32:02 UTC  

That being to the piont of needing Republicans to go knocking dooor to door in the hood.

2020-11-02 00:33:00 UTC  

Just wonder how well that actually plays?

2020-11-02 22:11:35 UTC  

Ok so my high school has all seniors do a senior project, it’s a big project that you have to propose an idea for and have a presentation for by the end of the year, and it has to be something to help the community.
I want to do something along the lines of addressing the issue of civic illiteracy. But my problem is, I can’t think of an actual “project”
Like for example, a kid realized the concession stand at our school was nasty and needs a fresh coat of paint, so painting it was the project piece of it. Someone else last year wanted to “prove Islam was a religion of peace not hate” (don’t get me started...) and so she held a ted-talk thing for hundreds of people in town to come see, which was the project portion for her.
I’m trying to think of a way I can make my idea into an actual project. My only idea was to host a virtual ted talk but I really want something more original, interactive and that does more to fix the problem.

2020-11-02 22:13:29 UTC  

If there wasn’t so much government involved I would’ve loved to try to get it incorporated into the curriculum but that’s almost impossible with teachers union bs...

2020-11-03 01:40:00 UTC  

Gaige Grosskreutz ( who kyle shot in the arm ) what was his criminal reccord?

2020-11-03 01:54:41 UTC  

Domestic violence and kid diddling iirc

2020-11-03 02:13:21 UTC  

anyone remember the date that the new first came out about hunter biden's laptop?

2020-11-03 02:13:54 UTC  

Just search up the nyp article.

2020-11-03 02:14:07 UTC  

was that the first news article?

2020-11-03 02:14:29 UTC  


2020-11-03 02:14:33 UTC  

ah ok

2020-11-03 02:14:34 UTC  


2020-11-03 03:55:04 UTC  

Hasn't it actually been proven that masks don't save lives/keep you healthy?
Have one of those friends that thinks just wearing a mask "literally saves lives" and that its scientifically proven, but I swear the opposite has been found to be the truth.
I have a headache and Im a bit tired, does anyone have any good sources for this or if Im wrong? I would be very grateful, thank you!

2020-11-03 04:05:08 UTC  

In 2008 there was a study of the 1918 Spanish Flu, headed by Fauci, that determined that 2/3 of the deaths were caused by people wearing cheap paper masks, which caused bacterial pneumonia.

2020-11-03 04:05:32 UTC  

Let me grab the source.

2020-11-03 04:08:36 UTC  

yes! awesome! thank you! @DishonoredRonin. gonna read through it later on. ill be more than happy if anyone else has resources to contribute as well! always good to have several.

2020-11-03 04:09:03 UTC  

No prob. Nice to use my powers for good. LOL

2020-11-03 05:31:48 UTC  

The thing with masks is they aren't used properly.

2020-11-03 06:27:28 UTC  

Why is a balisong and switchblade usually illegal

2020-11-03 06:35:42 UTC  


2020-11-03 06:35:44 UTC  

because dumb

2020-11-03 06:36:35 UTC  

really it's the same reason why rifles like the AR-15 are banned but not Mini-14s and such. Same functionality but one is a scawwy black gun with a pistol grip.

2020-11-03 06:58:37 UTC  

Here's a question nobody expects in this server.

2020-11-03 06:58:42 UTC  

Anyone good at physics?

2020-11-03 07:05:03 UTC  


2020-11-03 16:52:33 UTC  

The thing with masks is that they don't work at all, properly or not. The paper ones say on the box that they're not protection in any medical way.

2020-11-03 18:04:09 UTC  

im not sure where else to put this but i have to write an essay about controversial topics and chose the blm movement, and was wondering if anyone had a really good source to help me write about it. pretty much everywhere the school said to look was a bunch of lefty bs, and if im going to write something im going to write it right, not full of lies and what not

2020-11-03 18:08:32 UTC  

Maybe the Daily Wire

2020-11-03 19:39:38 UTC  

Can you add a body building chat so people can give advice and help people stay motivated

2020-11-03 19:40:17 UTC  

I suggest that you can take inspiration from any YT video made by John Doyle. @Goose.

2020-11-03 19:41:21 UTC  

alright, thank yall, hopefully i can get more than a f this time

2020-11-03 19:41:40 UTC  

@Goose Take your info from both left-wing and right-wing sources, mate. Try to make it as neutral as possible, and make sure for both sides of view to get their respectful exposure.

2020-11-03 19:42:09 UTC  

Don't be biased in any way. Not even in a right-wing way.

2020-11-03 19:44:03 UTC  

i will, but i wont sugar coat the things they do, thats why i asked for the sources, so i can back it up with things like recordings and what not so it doesnt come out looking bad

2020-11-03 19:47:54 UTC  

@Not Happy. <#765765325399523370>

2020-11-03 19:50:46 UTC  

If you need frontline news on the violence, Andy Ngo shows it.

2020-11-03 22:10:38 UTC  

got it, thanks

2020-11-04 00:11:26 UTC  

How is virginia called for biden even though trump is winning and less than 1% of votes have been counted?

2020-11-04 00:18:01 UTC  

yeah exactly