Message from @zaley rose

Discord ID: 785960942990000158

2020-12-08 20:01:43 UTC  

isoboto brings up something I strongly agree with. The foster care/orphanage system is so fucking horrible... I wouldnt wish any child to have to go through that shit.

2020-12-08 20:01:45 UTC  

Its just because people are inconvenienced by their responsibilities

2020-12-08 20:02:20 UTC  

abortion is killing a baby while its still inside of it's mother... you cant abort an adult human being, or even a child thats just been born. that goes past abortion murder to just straight murder.

2020-12-08 20:02:31 UTC  

Yup. And I am kind of perplexed that everybody agrees that the foster system is shitty, yet not many debate on how to fix it.

2020-12-08 20:02:45 UTC  

@Wardog my family has personally tried to adopt 5 times and they refused because we were going to homeschool

2020-12-08 20:03:06 UTC  

There isnt as much to debate about how to fix it, as there is on who is going to fix it, and how do we actually make change.

2020-12-08 20:03:25 UTC  

for real? "homeschooling" shouldn't be a disqualified

2020-12-08 20:03:43 UTC  

Im broke as fuck, barely scraping by on my own. What the fuck can I do about the foster care system? The things I do do are not contribute to the problem, and tell people about how horrible it is and make more people aware.

2020-12-08 20:04:08 UTC  

true. but i meant as in somebody mentioned "foster care reform" as an alternative to "free-for-all abortion"

2020-12-08 20:04:09 UTC  

Yep, while fostering, thild is still the government's responsibility which is why they require the public school over homeschooling but once the adoption goes through I believe you can homeschool. I know people at my church that do that.

2020-12-08 20:04:47 UTC  

@isoboto well as much as it sucks... they are extremely rude to Christians and homeschoolers

2020-12-08 20:05:32 UTC  

welp. not many "big name" charities are doing anything for these kids. usually it's the smaller, local charities that make impact. so maybe you can't help the kids now, you can do it somewhere down the line

2020-12-08 20:05:51 UTC  

its just... The system is really fucked, its fucked for the poor children that have to go through that hell, its fucked for the GOOD parents who will give the child a life they deserve who arent allowed to adopt for a plethora of bullshit reasons, and its fucked because they let absolute scum adopt children and put them through even more hell than if they just stayed in teh system... there are shit stains out there who adopt a bunch of children for the checks so they can profit off them.....

2020-12-08 20:06:07 UTC  

Christianphobia is a real thing: Change my mind.

2020-12-08 20:06:30 UTC  

people will hate me for saying it, and I truly believe abortion is evil, but sometimes kids are better off not being born than going through that Hell.

2020-12-08 20:06:42 UTC  

Im atheist, I think Christianphobia is real.

2020-12-08 20:06:49 UTC  

I see it all over the place.

2020-12-08 20:06:53 UTC  

This is extremely true a little company does more then celebrities

2020-12-08 20:07:16 UTC  

Besides all the hoops you have to jump through to foster/adopt, I think one of the biggest problems is how expensive it is for some reason.

2020-12-08 20:07:51 UTC  

Philanthropy is almost dead... many great things of the past came from it, but now we have virtue signaling cunts that do fake philanthropy.

2020-12-08 20:08:11 UTC  

@Stargatemaster96 Christians are going to have to be ready to adopt after abortion is illegal

2020-12-08 20:08:26 UTC  

There also also so many rules you have to follow, some states don't even let you foster/adopt if you own a firearm in your house, even if it's kept secure.

2020-12-08 20:09:14 UTC  

it's true. And you can take it to the extreme: in wars/genocide, is it better for the parents to not give birth at all and don't burden the child with the suffering? There is a moral question: let's say a pack of wolves are chasing a parent and his/her child, what should the parent do? The most efficient answer is: the parent leaving the child to be mauled. so, you can argue lives are dispensable and kids' lives are, too

2020-12-08 20:09:47 UTC  

After abortion is illegal millions of kids are going to be born... and people have to be ready to help

2020-12-08 20:10:13 UTC  

if the legalities are not fixed, though, people that want to help still CAN'T help

2020-12-08 20:10:23 UTC  

Along with other stupid shit like that, something else that bothers me is examples where they didnt let a gay couple adopt a child... Youre telling me this gay couple with, as one comedian put it, "gay people have plenty of disposable income." LMAO arent allowed to adopt a child... why? They live in a nice area, they have a nice house, a nice environment, want a child badly they cant produce on their own, are willing to put the child in a good school and give them excellent care... but why arent they allowed to adopt? The child deserves to sit in the adoption hell instead? fuck off.

2020-12-08 20:10:48 UTC  

@isoboto they will be able to just watch

2020-12-08 20:10:55 UTC  

I already plan to. God has already given me that desire and my degrees will mean I will have the economic ability to pay for all those expensive legal things to do that.

2020-12-08 20:11:13 UTC  

yeah. i think that's a dumb rule to exclude gay couples. i thought most states got that rules crossed out already, though?

2020-12-08 20:11:37 UTC  

I have no idea, everywhere is different, and people in charge of that stuff can do illegal things and get away with it.

2020-12-08 20:12:02 UTC  

Ive seen example of it in the past, just as you guys pointed out examples of not being allowed to adopt because you wanted to home school, or someone owned a legal registered safely stored firearm, etc.

2020-12-08 20:12:25 UTC  

I don't think they should be excluded but they won't be able to keep the emotional stability as a mom and dad

2020-12-08 20:12:48 UTC  

thats debatable, and a whole different discussion.

2020-12-08 20:13:04 UTC  

It is a VERY crucial balance

2020-12-08 20:14:02 UTC  

@Wardog they can be AMAZING parents but certain characteristics need to be filled by a mom and or dad

2020-12-08 20:14:10 UTC  

For pubic adoptions I agree they shouldn't discriminate based on sexual orientation but some places also want to force the private christian foster organizations to allow gay adoption. That's a gray line I can see both sides of. It's not preventing gays from adopting public or from other adoption groups just not that particular religious one. However, it also limits the child's options.

2020-12-08 20:14:57 UTC  

so a little less than half of all first marriages end in divorce. thats some of the highest in history, is it not? that doesnt seem incredibly stable in my opinion. Im not attacking your point, but just because a couple is straight doesnt mean they are more stable than a gay couple.

2020-12-08 20:16:03 UTC  

I personally lean on the side of religious freedom when choosing who can adopt but I think in most cases the child is technically still a ward of the state so the alternative has merit.

2020-12-08 20:16:33 UTC  

i'm incline to disagree. usually gay couples (and i'm strictly talking lesbian/gay, not the non-binary stuffs), would have one in a slightly more "masculine" attitude and the other in a slightly more "feminine" attitude.

2020-12-08 20:16:48 UTC  

It doesnt matter what you follow, what you believe, what you identify as... all that matters is who you are and if you would be able to properly take care of a child in my opinion.

2020-12-08 20:17:37 UTC  

that is true. though its something the SJW gays dont like talking about, there is very often a more masculine and feminine partner in the relationship. those are more successful relationships as well within that demographic.