Message from @Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. D
Discord ID: 755012493037797467
How tf does this work? (This is from FiveThirtyEight and THEY said it is a possible reason, even though it's bullshit)
@its_Jimmy Atleast you gave Virginia to Trump. 🤣
mail in ballots (which shouldn't exist) could and should have location tracking.
solicited have there rare place but unsolicited do not.
Location tracking? Usually mail in ballots are made of paper.
Hello. 👋
As someone from Tennessee I don't see us going blue anytime soon. Sure Memphis and Nashville are blue but most of the rest of the state is strongly red and for now tips on the balance towards Republican.
I believe Nebraska 2nd district will go Republican mainly because Omaha's mayor is Republican, this prediction is not based on polls.
I am curious how NV will turn out for the election with Trump being in Minden, Reno, and Vegas.
Honestly its usually the Large cities populated by masses of idiots thinking there is opportunity for them without hard work so they usually end up influencing that general area to be fucking retarded.
Tucson and Flagstaff in AZ are super liberal but nowhere else really
Yeah, same with Texas where all the big cities are in blue counties.
which is why the dems want to throw out the electoral system and go only on total vote popular voting system, because it's democratic but not of the constitutional republic
Yep. They believe we're a democracy but we never have been.
Ew Nevada seems to be catching the COMMIEFORNIA-19 blues
It better not catch the communist ones.
Michigan polls are wierd as hell.
I guess that's the problem with left leaning polls. :|
A bit over the top but like
I never trust polls.
There easy to skew one way or another.
most polls are done on college campuses or msm studios
been like 10yrs since i've seen a polling done house to house or at a shopping mall
Same here
Thats why I never trust them
Polls suck. They were wrong in 2016/2018, and they'll be wrong in 2020 as well!
Remember, both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden served under the Obama administration and have committed crimes from oversees.
Only difference is Hillary Clinton is energized and had the black and woman vote while Joe Biden only has the black vote but is VERY sleepy.
The Dems aren't giving their best, I have to say.
When have they ever?
Even basing predictions around Mayor/Governor turnouts isn't super reliable anymore.
A lot of surveying of Union Democrats/Blue collar workers that vote for Democrats Locally are favoring Trump and Republicans on a National level because of how well the economy did.
On top of that, different polling groups have come to admit flat out that they can't accurately track Trump's Voter base for many reasons, but one likely reason is that they flat out refuse to participate in polling.
There's also the shy Trump voters which are looming around which could turn the odds of an election against polling. Some are saying that it's harder to get Trump voters because they barely pick up the phone to other numbers.
At this point, there is no real reliable poll to predict these elections.
Rasmussen seems to be relatively reliable. they nailed 2016 and arent so horribly biased that they want to avoid polling Trump supporters to sway their results. Dont truly trust the polls personally, dont really care for them too much, but if I had to pick one... it would be them.
I was looking at pollsters and I come across one made by helmut norpoth.