Message from @Anti Simp Officer

Discord ID: 785662347724324875

2020-12-06 18:53:33 UTC  

That is true

2020-12-06 18:53:47 UTC  

I'd imagine there would be internal battles within the US with Antifa, BLM, etc

2020-12-06 18:54:10 UTC  

It really depends on if America is invading these other nations or if we are being invaded.

2020-12-06 18:56:21 UTC  

either way, pantifa seem to be a huge problem... Thanks to bureaucracy it is difficult to just whack them with organized crime investigation and penalties, but that would be the best way to smoke them... the last thing you'd want is for an "idea" like that to terrorise your family/community while you are deployed fighting another country...

2020-12-07 00:29:03 UTC  

Antifa and BLM wouldn't survive the beginning of the conflict. Military brass would eliminate that problem immediately.

That's why I said "most" will stow their feuds for this fight. Without the instigators sowing dissension, a temporary accord could be reached.

2020-12-07 01:20:07 UTC  

Actually, Antifa stands for "Anti-Fascist"

2020-12-07 01:20:15 UTC  

Antifa isn't a group, it's more of an idea

2020-12-07 02:06:40 UTC  


2020-12-07 02:28:30 UTC  


2020-12-07 02:53:19 UTC  

My latest poll now has GA overtaking AZ in the number of reactions.

2020-12-07 04:15:32 UTC  

more than one person voted multiple times though

2020-12-07 04:22:05 UTC  

I think I have a way to solve that issue.

2020-12-07 16:13:25 UTC  

good job you solved it now I can't be a democrat and vote multiple times

2020-12-07 17:22:15 UTC  


2020-12-07 17:22:46 UTC  

He's got a point

2020-12-07 20:15:22 UTC  

could we get a poll on pancakes v. waffles v. french toast?

2020-12-07 20:16:16 UTC  

I promise not to hurt anyone who disagrees with me on how french toast is clearly the best breakfast item

2020-12-08 00:07:28 UTC  

@TheCraziestOregonian there you go mate

2020-12-08 00:07:58 UTC  

I find this

2020-12-08 00:08:03 UTC  


2020-12-08 00:21:40 UTC  

add a poll

2020-12-08 00:22:35 UTC  


2020-12-08 01:56:19 UTC  

bruh you guys seriously think the US could take on the entire world

2020-12-08 02:29:37 UTC  

Well, yeah, we're Americans. We know how awesome we are. It's not our fault that the rest of the world sucks.

2020-12-08 04:53:52 UTC  

We have an order of magnitude stronger military, hard to invade, so yeah probably

2020-12-08 04:54:10 UTC  

only reason I say waffle is because too many restaurants screw up french toast :(

2020-12-08 05:57:44 UTC  

I actually don’t think we can take on the world, we have like a 30th of the worlds population

2020-12-08 06:05:57 UTC  

I say the US would have a decent chance to stale mate the world. We are the only country with the naval transport ability to move a large army and equipment across the ocean. Even China doesn't have the navel transport ability to even invade Thailand, and that's a short trip compared to crossing an ocean. Most counties (except China and Russia) also rely on US satellites for their military which we would cut off. We have the most and most advanced air craft carriers and supper carriers in the world which would be deployed to protect our cost. The UK only has a few last generation super carriers, and China's trying to build its first modern super carrier. In contrast, the US has 11 modern nuclear powered super carriers currently active with more being built. We have the second most subs, only loosing to North Korea for some reason. There are only a few ports in the US large enough for a large land invasion unloading, all of which are near military bases and would be protected. The oceans would also give large lead time for the US to defend against any incoming attack.

If you were able to get a military to the US, you then have to contend with the size of the US, geography, and general defiant nature of Americans along with our second amendment.

2020-12-08 13:35:25 UTC  

French toast is what’s up, guys.

2020-12-08 15:32:48 UTC  

I will stack all three options on top of each other and eat it like a diabeetus sandwich.

2020-12-08 15:33:01 UTC  

fuck that sounds good

2020-12-08 15:40:21 UTC  

Yes, it does. Especially if you throw some bacon and syrup in there, too.

2020-12-08 15:40:50 UTC  

<a:acheemsgulp:721824553411543131> <a:acheemsburger2:722400578595979355> <a:acheemsburger3:722400887414456400>

2020-12-08 16:46:30 UTC  

ww1&2 was won by the people back home, imagine all the populations of india, chine, indonesia and such, they wouldnt be as impactful but they could just throw a bunch of people and eventually become succesful IMO

2020-12-08 17:03:30 UTC  

I think unleashing the sun twice was what won World War II.

2020-12-08 17:06:56 UTC  

Also numbers don't guarantee a win, there have been many wars throughout history where a smaller army using untraditional tactics have defeated a significantly larger army.

2020-12-08 17:56:37 UTC  

Extra bacon

2020-12-08 18:04:30 UTC  

the rest of the world outnumbers the us by 7 BILLION so i think its too much

2020-12-08 18:04:49 UTC  

it also depends if the us is on defence or on the attack

2020-12-08 18:15:09 UTC  
