Message from @melon_man
Discord ID: 751297529588613130
I got 13%
If you are a leftist you believe everything on this page out of a 2nd grade social studies book is correct. You would also be fully indoctrinated by the school system.
@Awmanthisgirl (IPod) I'd make sure your 2nd grader reads the preamble of the Bill of Rights. Also, read through the top ten with them, so they know which rights are inalienable, natural rights.
As soon as I saw that line I went right to the constitution and then the Supreme Court decisions on hate speech 😊 she was paying attention cuz that showed up on her test and she paused to make sure she was telling it what it wanted to hear. I do t usually discuss test questions with her but in this instance it was mandatory.
Yep. I could pull full court decisions, but it is pretty dense.
Revisionist history is the #1 reason I’m home schooling her
Yeah I just gave her the short version, had her google Supreme Court hate speech.
I didn't expect that they would start the lies this early tbh
i think i finally did read the questions right after having a Coca cola
BLM test
@Suspected Kyle what is this test where to take it?
Look up political compass test
I'm not actually sure if I am shifting right or if the Overton Window is getting dragged left...
How do you do my felow nazis?
We aren't Nazis...Nazis fall under the left authority field...
I was joking
Okay. Just need to make sure.
Yeah, that's what many people get wrong
That nazi's where right winged
Nazis where sympathised with righ and left wing 'cause they hated the rich jews and and any other people who not german
Hey I got somewhere near that just about half a point more right
@cgrobler dude. There might be something wrong if your is in that place, but to each their own
Wait how much political maker is there give me some