Message from @AwH07
Discord ID: 751516493283590264
@Suspected Kyle what is this test where to take it?
Look up political compass test
I'm not actually sure if I am shifting right or if the Overton Window is getting dragged left...
How do you do my felow nazis?
We aren't Nazis...Nazis fall under the left authority field...
I was joking
Okay. Just need to make sure.
Yeah, that's what many people get wrong
That nazi's where right winged
Nazis where sympathised with righ and left wing 'cause they hated the rich jews and and any other people who not german
Hey I got somewhere near that just about half a point more right
Wait how much political maker is there give me some
Looks about the same as my last one
Wonder what makes us centered vs others..
I dont understand the concept of these tests too well
How do I take the test?
@Lil They are pinned to this channel
The compass test is biased
I don’t like it
It has trump and pence nearly in the top right hand corner
Has warren, Harris, etc as centrist right
And has Bernie as centrist libertarian