Message from @Ol stick
Discord ID: 759554832541024347
Got caring, so I retook the test and got liberty
I figured I could try this again. Haven’t moved since last I took this quiz.
took it a few months ago and didnt feel it represented me, i took it again today and this seems to be more accurate
though the test is still stupid, the lack of a neutral is annoying, and not knowing what solicets a strong vs very strong
so i just put very strong on ones i only really agreed with
and strong / disagree on most
I feel like Bc I took a strong stance on things like abortion, prostitution, and border security, it ranked me pretty high authoritarian.
I hate questions like this
Because it’s either no one is a slut or only women are
I think I’m more conservative then it says
I wonder how the come to these conclusions when Biden hasn’t put out many policy positions.
That’s very lib-right
@Reddog000013 I've definitely called other guys sluts.
I sure don't feel like one
I got care conservative
Not sure how I'm this low for liberty or I'm this high for authority...
I'm a good guy
That was a really odd test. Besides many of the questions being just weird, multiple of them I wasn't sure if I was saying the first part or the second part of the hypothetical was moral or not.
Oh no
I guess my personal morality is authoritarian but my political views involve liberty.
It very well could have just been the confusingly worded questions.
Yeah, a lot of tests are just full of loaded questions
the political compass doesnt play into reality