Discord ID: 549634060755140628
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I don’t agree with my scores completely because i lean more libertarian not authoritarian
It says foreigners so im guessing it doesn’t mean citizens
I hate questions like this
Because it’s either no one is a slut or only women are
I think I’m more conservative then it says
Candles are weird
I don’t really like the waxy smell
@Hysteria yeah
I don’t live in the USA at the moment and I got my timezones mixed up and I woke up early today thinking it was debate time
This doesn’t really count as a “political test” but I still find it interesting
Do this
@Knotty hey you watch Jeremy too
Reddit sucks this is about acb getting sworn in
This is the stuff that makes want to die
Reddit is trash
It’s filled with soy boys and communists
Guys I found the king of soy boys
This is the very definition of soy boy
Dude didn’t believe in the facts
Funny how he said “Democrats or republican I won’t trust what they say” when he gave me stuff about Obama that came from the government
My brain hurts after reading stuff leftists say
I just got this ad
For voting
I have a question every ad I get on YouTube about voting and stuff have literally no white people in it
They got literally every race but white
Did you get banned?
@Idev sorry my guy
@dafoxfluf yeah I don’t care what race people are I just thought it was weird how all 4 ads I got there was literally no one white
How to argue lockdowns are bad?
They say I’m an idiot because I don’t want to completely lockdown the country
Who’s ready for the meltdowns today
@Joe Cool why did no one help you?
He doesn’t believe the facts it’s sad really
His only talking point was the proud boys and I killed him with Enrique Tarrio is a chairman there
Guys give me things trumps has done to help the black community
It stands for abortion
You know people don’t have an argument when they start talking about the presidents ads on YouTube
This guy is actually an idiot
He’s literally retarded
Do you guys think Florida will go red or blue?
Welp I’m in North Carolina it’s probably going blue
How is George blue? I thought there was a lot of southerners?
George is leaning red again
My street had those dumb love is love BLM no human is illegal signs
Texas is looking blue
@Split_beard (PS4) F
> Trump is winning the popular vote
@boomboomboy18 yeah until California votes get counted
Why does Virginia say Biden won when it has more trump votes?
Harry Potter is for millennials who can’t let go of their childhood
@Cameron Sadowski hey you watch drew too
> @Reddog000013 drew?
@Cameron Sadowski drew durnil
Trump should win hopefully
You guys watching trump
I went to bed and no ones won yet
Guys trump isn’t look so hot
I’m getting kinda nervous about Pennsylvania
What did trump do that’s illegal wtf
@𝕱𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖚𝖑𝖋 yo you’re here too
Welp trumps probably going to lose Pennsylvania is almost Biden
I got a bad feeling about Pennsylvania guys
F guys trump lossed
Idk guys I think we lost
The Japanese are smart
@Chuck Norris' beard🇮🇱 is his wife trans?
F for us guys trump lost this sucks
How do you guys like my profile pic
This is sad
How is the Republican Party pouring gasoline on racism?
There’s nothing
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