Message from @Porcupioneer
Discord ID: 774666072162828328
I’m sorry your dad abused you @X_IceFire_X
I got a knock knock joke
Knock knock
Who's there?
Broken pencil
Broken pencil who?
Never mind, it's pointless
Depends on where you break it.
What's the dirtiest rank in the US Navy? Rear Admiral Lower Half
.warn @ophrex Please do not bypass the word filter. (N-word)
The weasel
@Porcupioneer What did you warn me for? The N-word????? That’s not even used nor implied in my meme???
@Porcupioneer it’s a word play on the well-known phrase “cogito ergo sum”/“I think, therefore I am” 😂 😂 😂
My brother was addicted the hokey pokey. He had a rough time but he turned himself around.
I would be interested in knowing how I think therefore I am is a word play on the n word? if anything his covid therefore I use zoom meeting should be in the covid meme section. I thought it was witty, after having to look it up. unless I am wrong?
What was a violation was deleted because it was a violation @rr . No need to pile on here.
@thewardy People say I’m addicted to brake fluid, But I can stop anytime I want.
I don’t trust stairs. They’re always up to something...
Wanna hear the best dad joke? So do I so I will keep waiting.
What happens when you step on a grape?... It lets out a little wine.
you should get some cheese to go with that also
There is one thing I want to know, Is a transfat a protein that wants to be a fat?
What do you call an angry father's mood? A dad-itude.
You can put that in #lame-not-funny-jokes