Message from @mathgrant

Discord ID: 741788053881749546

I'm just saying its being exploited for political purposes

2020-08-08 22:22:05 UTC  


And should be an obvious point of why masks are bad ideas

2020-08-08 22:23:39 UTC  

Yeah and that it is worse for people who have coronavirus breathing in the same molecules and air making their case worse

That I think is also being exploited but dont have a solution beyond masks not being the answer

Nor is mass quarantine

But again just my thoughts on the subject

2020-08-08 22:26:03 UTC  

Yeah I feel the same way

2020-08-08 22:26:10 UTC  

The whole mask thing is stupid

2020-08-08 22:27:02 UTC  

Could be a reason for people leaving NYC honestly people less noticeable due to masks and it is more dangerous walking at night

I'm kind of enjoying watching the extremists, and the community that stood by and did nothing,, being forced to lie in the bed they made.

But im vindictive like that

2020-08-08 22:28:45 UTC  

I mean, considering the plans to start building a colony on the moon around 2024, I believe humanity can indeed survive...well, forever, really. If we have a greater emphasis on military and space exploration, we could colonise more of our solar systems moons, depending on the success of ours in the next few years.

2020-08-08 22:30:31 UTC  

It's a joke about mask wearing I stand by my decision to put it in the covid meme channel

2020-08-08 22:31:35 UTC  

As for NYC, not all of us are (D) worshippers, you've got Republicans and Libertarians in Staten Island that are more or less dogpiled by the Dems in local Govt.

2020-08-08 22:31:39 UTC  

Also sign me up for the mars colony

2020-08-08 22:34:17 UTC  

Mars I feel like is still a LONG way off, like, 15-25 years off, we need to study the ecosystem, see what can and can't grow, idk, it's leagues more tricky than building a colony on the moon(which is still hella complicated, but less so compared to other planets) plus if we learn how to live on our moon, our solar system has, what, 100 or so others? We'd have moon colonies all over the place, and besides the metals and minerals they've got that can be mined, who knows what else they got

2020-08-08 22:34:19 UTC

Template for Mars one training in 2020

2020-08-08 22:40:53 UTC  

@Evelyn S. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Re <#733948098694348800>: What if my opinion is "Islam is right about women"? <:thinking:726878987837636698>

2020-08-08 22:59:39 UTC  

@mathgrant would it be weird to think that islam prevents feminazis from forming?

2020-08-08 23:00:29 UTC  

@Deleted User πŸ‡³ πŸ‡΄

2020-08-08 23:23:05 UTC  

@Jaw A moon Colony is still 10-20 years away in my opinion. Heck, they can’t even get back to the moon for a short trip! Let alone living there.

2020-08-08 23:23:48 UTC  

The Gateway is still a long way off

2020-08-08 23:24:36 UTC

2020-08-08 23:26:28 UTC  

You really think NASA is gonna be able to do it? The next president is gonna completely change the mission or something stupid. Biden sure as heck can’t figure it out.

2020-08-08 23:28:11 UTC  

Let's hope that Biden won't be president! As for 2024 and onward, we can only hope this Left vs. Right BS is settled or something

2020-08-08 23:29:12 UTC  

Yeah. But still, NASA keeps getting delayed. We would already have citizens living on the moon if NASA hasn’t been so selfish with challenger and the government would stick with a mission.

2020-08-08 23:29:46 UTC  

True enough. Let's also hope that SpaceX and the new Space Force provides a bit more pushing power in that department.

2020-08-08 23:30:31 UTC  

SpaceX means business. I think they’ll be able to get some stuff done.

2020-08-08 23:33:20 UTC  

Moon bases would be sweet. Plus bases on the moon means refueling stations to go even further, without having to return all the way to earth after each mission. Easier travel across our solar system without having to emphasize on breaking through the atmosphere, could mean progress on more efficient ships

2020-08-08 23:33:59 UTC  

I don’t think that’ll be achievable

2020-08-08 23:34:45 UTC  

The moon would have to be owned internationally and if there was another war to break out that wouldn’t happen

2020-08-08 23:39:13 UTC  

Although true, that just makes me think of Star Trek. Star Fleet originated as a collective Space Program of the nations of the World, focusing on exploration and colonization. Perhaps a global organization focused entirely on Space Exploration and colonization could be achieved, granted the worlds leading super powers would have to discuss and agree to certain rules regarding said organization.

2020-08-09 00:08:00 UTC  

Can you believe they are going after pickup trucks now?

2020-08-09 00:09:37 UTC  

I read that yesterday. Them soyboys really don’t like anything masculine

2020-08-09 00:16:07 UTC  

Of course not, it intimidates them <:dogekek:726878872607653918>

2020-08-09 00:22:58 UTC  

*Hey girl wanna ride in my smart car?*

2020-08-09 00:24:05 UTC  

My wife's a doctor folks. that phraseπŸ‘† will not help you get girls and can't be good for your health.