Message from @Luzion

Discord ID: 749410037230993489

2020-08-29 20:27:15 UTC  

That meme in <#724105162741907467> is disrespectful towards burn victims<:dogekek:726878872607653918>

I'm offended on behalf of the burn victims

2020-08-29 21:04:30 UTC  
2020-08-29 21:04:43 UTC  

What is that corn thing?

2020-08-29 21:19:12 UTC  

@Boneless Jungle Ham my mom asked for rain and I was hoping to make God cry.

2020-08-29 21:19:34 UTC  


2020-08-29 21:19:41 UTC  

You cant do that

2020-08-29 21:20:22 UTC  

Already did.

2020-08-29 21:47:10 UTC  

sweet corn sign--- Joe biden "corn pop was a bad dude"

2020-08-29 22:40:13 UTC

2020-08-29 22:40:24 UTC

2020-08-29 22:40:28 UTC

2020-08-29 22:47:32 UTC  

Anyone have that electric bill meme

2020-08-29 22:47:38 UTC  

I need it!

2020-08-29 22:48:31 UTC  

Re the left's memes of Hitler doing good things, are they admitting that Kyle cleaning up graffiti is a good thing?

2020-08-29 22:49:23 UTC  

@Ty5oN πŸ‘†

2020-08-29 22:53:04 UTC  

@Deleted User the george floyd one

2020-08-29 22:54:53 UTC  

Good point. They probably don’t realize they admitted that.

2020-08-29 23:27:56 UTC

2020-08-29 23:40:38 UTC  


2020-08-29 23:52:41 UTC  


2020-08-30 00:02:42 UTC  


2020-08-30 01:18:34 UTC  

@ASCENDING ALLIGATOR TRIANGLE @PASSIVE DEAD CAT BOUNCER SMH Delete your messages from <#724105551700557824>

2020-08-30 01:18:40 UTC  

Before a mod sees them

2020-08-30 03:06:40 UTC  

okay IDK what alternate demention communists live in, but someone just said "The CIA said USSR had better food than USA".... I comeback was: Quality does not mean enough, over 10m Soviets died from starvation alone. In China during "The Great Leap Forward" I think the tally hit 100m+ during that time alone.

2020-08-30 04:37:25 UTC  

For general use, here you go

2020-08-30 04:37:42 UTC  


2020-08-30 04:38:02 UTC  

a bit too mean for me lol

2020-08-30 04:40:27 UTC  

gotta say, I really like the moniker "Kenosha Kid"

2020-08-30 05:05:41 UTC  

I crop like that

2020-08-30 05:33:56 UTC  

@Necrobutcher.XIII fantastic loophole by the way

πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘

2020-08-30 05:34:07 UTC  

thjank you sir i thought so too

2020-08-30 05:34:16 UTC  

didnt make it far though

2020-08-30 05:34:18 UTC  


2020-08-30 05:34:22 UTC  

Still doesn't count tho lol

2020-08-30 05:34:30 UTC  

You aren't the first person to try it

2020-08-30 05:36:46 UTC

2020-08-30 06:16:06 UTC  

@azoth no gore por favor