Message from @DarkbeatK

Discord ID: 756233929429876869

2020-09-17 19:18:14 UTC  

Idk probably some furry :P

2020-09-17 19:18:19 UTC  

> Who tf is Grant?
@Caramon Majere Me, a human offline and a fox/badger online.

2020-09-17 19:18:35 UTC  

Ha! I see it in your name now.

2020-09-17 19:18:45 UTC  

Only online? X to doubt >.>

2020-09-17 19:19:27 UTC  

A fox/badger .... a fadger or a box?

2020-09-17 19:19:34 UTC  

mostly human over name on this server is the description of my avatar ...which for some odd reason is a chick magnet

2020-09-17 19:20:02 UTC  

it's a dog dressed up as a singing bear

2020-09-17 19:20:08 UTC  

> A fox/badger .... a fadger or a box?
@Caramon Majere Foxger.

2020-09-17 19:20:32 UTC  

A fox/tiger is also a foxger, but the g is pronounced differently.

2020-09-17 19:20:52 UTC  

So, pronounced Foxjer

2020-09-17 19:20:58 UTC  

i woulda thought tigfox would work better

2020-09-17 19:21:12 UTC  

or tiger-fox

2020-09-17 19:21:30 UTC  


2020-09-17 19:21:31 UTC  

This sounds like strange science experiments to make new breeds of animals

2020-09-17 19:21:54 UTC  

China is at it again.

2020-09-17 19:21:57 UTC  

GDI autocorrect. TOX. Not fox

2020-09-17 19:22:11 UTC  

> GDI autocorrect. TOX. Not fox
@Rev <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995>

2020-09-17 19:22:27 UTC  

This is what I get for using discord on my phone

2020-09-17 19:22:41 UTC  


2020-09-17 19:23:38 UTC  

You should not use datcord on your phone @Rev <:kappa:364045336773263362>

2020-09-17 19:23:53 UTC  

Try a wireless one

2020-09-17 19:24:10 UTC  


2020-09-17 19:24:24 UTC  

@DarkbeatK what's that?

2020-09-17 19:24:39 UTC  

What is discord? Dis cord right here coming out of disphone?

2020-09-17 19:25:15 UTC  

Phones with cords? Those were a thing? :P

2020-09-17 19:25:38 UTC  

> Has science gone too far!?! Our scientists kept asking if they could, and nobody stopped to ask if they should.
@Arkayde Ironic.

2020-09-17 19:25:54 UTC

2020-09-17 19:26:17 UTC  

Remember when it was a big deal to talk on your phone and use the internet at the same time

2020-09-17 19:26:48 UTC  

Back in the 56K

2020-09-17 19:27:10 UTC  

AOL was so great 🙂

2020-09-17 19:27:25 UTC  

Did we have a choice?

2020-09-17 19:28:13 UTC  

@qwerty_😎 i vote we put them back on the they'd know the range of their phone access rights

2020-09-17 19:28:44 UTC  


2020-09-17 19:28:50 UTC  

remove phone batteries from cell phones and they'd have to keep them plugged in while at home to use them

2020-09-17 19:29:08 UTC  

Tell me this ad is not the best thing ever

2020-09-17 19:29:55 UTC  

"u've got mail" notif...brings back memories

2020-09-17 19:30:23 UTC  

It was a simpler time 🙂

2020-09-17 19:30:57 UTC  

Sometimes while I’m doing something else I’ll pull up compilations of old 80s commercials on YouTube, just to have on in the background