Message from @englanddg

Discord ID: 757623386942996491

2020-09-21 13:46:52 UTC  

I didn’t ping you just now soooo...

2020-09-21 13:47:20 UTC  

Correction. I pinged you three times

2020-09-21 13:47:27 UTC  

Not 6

2020-09-21 13:47:45 UTC  

You’re an active and willing participant or this conversation

2020-09-21 13:54:10 UTC  

you are an active and willing participant in racism if i am active and willing because i am here

2020-09-21 13:56:47 UTC  


2020-09-21 13:56:56 UTC  

That makes literally no sense

2020-09-21 13:58:34 UTC  

I think it’s time to impose age restrictions on this server cause *someone* seems a bit to young for intelligent conversation

2020-09-21 13:59:08 UTC  

Although probably not possible because you can’t verify age very well

2020-09-21 14:05:50 UTC  

Kaladin, I think you may need to just drop it.

2020-09-21 14:36:41 UTC  

What does the recycle sign mean in the meme reactions?

2020-09-21 14:37:02 UTC  

It means it is a repost...

2020-09-21 14:58:08 UTC  

Isn't there a rule against spam? Because I swear we have two bots spamming the general memes channel

2020-09-21 14:59:45 UTC  

I point out that they are bots because they have been paying several memes a minute for the last 10 hours straight.

2020-09-21 15:00:55 UTC  

They have came in here and talked...sadly, there is no rule against spamming in those channels. That being said, @Deleted User @jswizzy420 please stop posting memes like this. The purpose of the meme channels is not to dump your entire meme library.

2020-09-21 15:01:45 UTC  

they are giving tyler enough content for a entire year worth of videos

2020-09-21 15:02:25 UTC  

The problem is that the spam is so bad nobody is going to bother to look at it and it downs or everyone else

2020-09-21 15:07:45 UTC  

I'm asking for you guys to stop spamming the memes. It is far too much.

2020-09-21 15:16:34 UTC  

Holy shit @Deleted User can you please not dump the entirety of boomer memes from Facebook? Some of those I swear I saw 10 tears ago.

2020-09-21 15:24:51 UTC  

<#733948098694348800> - 2 memes that didn't age well

2020-09-21 15:24:54 UTC  

hell i got stuff from the 90's...

2020-09-21 15:34:19 UTC  

Didn’t avenatti get busted?

2020-09-21 15:35:29 UTC  

Yeah the mods should just kick Wuhan bat soup and saulgoodmsn they are annoying

2020-09-21 15:36:47 UTC  

Also Wuhan bat soup posts lots of sexual memes and is a perv and openly bragged about having racist memes. Obviously not a rule infraction but still he’s just a douchebag

2020-09-21 15:40:34 UTC  

@Parovius - Makes it even more "not age well". :P

2020-09-21 15:45:45 UTC  

#meme #memes #MemeReview

2020-09-21 16:26:31 UTC  

> I’ve been holding back because some are offensive, racist, and just plain and simply fucked up
@jswizzy420 Ping me for these pls

2020-09-21 16:53:24 UTC  

Hey @everyone does anyone have the COVID meme about sores on the mouth? It’s an old one but I need to show someone.

2020-09-21 17:13:51 UTC  

I made this myself

2020-09-21 17:13:56 UTC

2020-09-21 17:32:00 UTC

2020-09-21 18:24:42 UTC  

give me some examples then

2020-09-21 18:52:09 UTC  

Thoughts on my meme?

2020-09-21 18:52:48 UTC  

It’s pretty good

2020-09-21 18:56:43 UTC  


2020-09-21 19:03:08 UTC  

dude saul should be banned he keeps posting suggestive memes

2020-09-21 19:47:41 UTC  

Congratulations on the meme of the week streak @qwerty_😎

2020-09-21 20:17:07 UTC  

CELEBRATION TIME!! Both Wuhan bat soup and saulgoodman got kicked