Violence is beauty {MACA}

Discord ID: 653972965628575775

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hello fellow americans


it is in a closed system

oh come on we aren't allowed to post gifs?

> bruh moment 4

it's spelled SUCC

does anyone want to talk? i'm kind of lonely, willing to talk about anything

hello fellow americans.

how's it going over there?

just ok? not good, not bad?

well i'm doing great

arms are hurting from working out. but i'm great

yea man i hope you learn to be happy as well

everything like what?

yeah but at least you don't have war

trust me, no you don't

no you don't

kneeling has got to be the worse idea anyone has come up with in all this

well they don't want to do any work

they want everything given to them. then they want to tell you, you are the bad guy

man the fist makes my blood boil

i think trump should take 5,000 marines that are chilling in the lower 48 and tell them to have fun in chaz. "no one gets out alive"

what is the point in training your military if they don't get to have some fun

"quit crying like a bitch" would be my reply

they said they wanted to be a whole different nation, ok it's a new nation. someone tell the military it's time to colonize

what do you guys know about the bikers and vets going to chaz on the 4th?

i heard a guy say he hasn't been this excited since Afghanistan

us chaz war? don't call it a war if it's all one sided. those punks haven't got the brains to survive alone for a few days

if the cops are given orders to stop the vets i don't think they will

so the US has to say "we see you as a nation, and i think you could use a little freedom"

so we're dealing with terrorists claiming our nation

so bring in the marines

show them some real brutality. no guns because we can't have the news say "US uses military weapons against civilians" give each marine a baton and a can of pepper spray

oh yeah they are against guns but have them themselves

i don't see any fighting after a few people get downed

they don't have the guts to fight anything less than 5 on 1. once the army smashes the two at the gate they will all give up.

they are illegal over here

yeah apparently war makes people afraid of fireworks

yeah there are some guys who were at the front.

few years ago it was normal to hear fire works every major holiday

theres a major holiday 5 times a month

no the best thing to do is send a group with no names or symbols to beat the shit out of all of them in the middle of the night.

you know the Israelis invented this sound gun, it renders everyone on the wrong end immobile

well that idea but not against peaceful protesters

the sound gun is called the LRAD or Long Range Acoustic Device. @🔅⚜𝑍𝑒𝑛𝑄⚜🔅

it immobilizes you though sound. give you a headache so bad you can't stand, like being drunk without the good part

i don't drink anything but water milk and the blood of my enemies.

so how you doing?

"back off liberal"

i have a small pp

how about dogs with pecs

that's actually a business

people buy the cigs here and take them over the border to poland. the smuggling has gone down now that the border is in lockdown

not exactly. but i'm here

yeah was meant to end the 21st but they added a bit more onto it, it's actually not bad, yeah the 17,000 fine is a bit much for not wearing the mask, so everyone just carries one in their pockets.

well originally Florida

yeah yeah laugh it up

the guy from like 300 years ago?

ah so you were not talking about the director general. no we don't have that brand. i don't smoke and don't really waste my time in learning about cigs

is it though?

nah unless you were shipping wholesale it wouldn't be worth it. then if you were flying here and back every week for a job then maybe.

yeah but you'd need diplomatic immunity if you want to use an aircraft. the smugglers only get it across by stuffing cracks in the cars. the guards don't care to look in cracks

no, if you had diplomatic immunity you can't be searched by guards or police. you could load an entire shipping container with cigs but unless the police caught a picture of you loading or saw one fall out of the box they can't look in it.

the law requires that i answer no.

who cares? i could be arrested

i have no idea what you just said so i'm going to say HAHAHA and leave.


damn man just say it already, you've been typing for like 5 minutes

yea it wasn't too bad, like between a kick to the nuts and a girl telling me i'm a great friend.

yeah 10/10 would work

you need to stop

he isn't the AKguy, he's AKJesus stay with the times

nothing to worry about, eventually everything is going to fail

nah i'm good

did you guys ever watch the tv show prison break?

what's wrong with 256 dollars?

what is that like pizza or something? i saw pan and can't think anything other than pizza

TIME to give the homies a kiss. get over here boy

hey what the ever loving pancake cheesecake is happening on reddit? there's like a bunch of subs gone for "racism"

i'm ending racism right now

what is btfo it sounds like a motor oil brand

wait this server has rules?

@Smacpats that's nothing compared to some of the most ridiculous stuff i've seen. trump dummy gets burned and no one cares. burn a biden or a bernie and you've crossed the line

i'm telling you man its a conspiracy

don't ever call me a zedhead again

@David George what wasn't very nice of me and i apologize. I'm just a little bit angry tonight.

bruh i'm telling you all this banning going on is hiding something very big that no one is going to see

Zed what is going to happen on reddit?

why are there no many people joining?

was told to post this here by the mods ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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