Message from @Mauler
Discord ID: 739006672617341028
is that author trying not to feel guilty so she wrote an article?
It's probably all bullshit and she just wrote it after her damn encounter...
I hope it is too...That is sick and wrong!
i'd be more impressed if they were dressed as ninja turtles
I mean I view them as strange but good for them I guess.
@Plague Doctor Lawrence As a furry, I kinda find the idea of the story heartening, but I hope the furries had rock-solid evidence that the person they were beating up was guilty. Preferably, they were direct eyewitnesses and beat up the abuser on the spot.
my mind goes to that one meme
wrong part of town skin boi lmfao
Maybe I find the story heartening because I’m used to furries beating up conservative furries.
you've reached an all time low when you not only are attacking people but get your ass beat by furries
One furry made NewsWEAK headlines for her brave opposition to the supposed Nazi fur problem. Of course, she’s a pinko.
That's probably the weirdest part of the fandom
> That's probably the weirdest part of the fandom
@Mauler Sadly, she’s not. There are some creeps who are into best... I mean, best not to talk about that 🤭
i meant the nazi's
believe me I know
only a few are extreme
but still
well only 1
but 1 is Enough
i used to know a guy that dressed up as a power ranger..but thats about a far as 'weird' i know
and my dog basically attacks anything that looks like a furry first time he saw a guy dressed as elmo ..he wanted to kill it
Good boi
Riots are the language of the unheard. Chalk is the language of the privileged cisheteronormative patriarchy /s
if the protests aren't marxism and racial genocide, then the dem controlled cities want them arrested "Diverse"
I guess diverse means black
sometimes with them it's nothing more than 50 shades of grey npc
Yeeeeeeeep... That’s diversity alright...
I see overweight black women
So one question
How the hell do you go through West Point and come out overweight?
they call themselves as 'big boned' ...most likely because they like getting big boned