Message from @Plague Doctor Lawrence
Discord ID: 741750448486088744
So I dont know if I'm less surprised that A) it was in Florida, or B) it involved a Burger King delay, or C) her husband's name is something as stupid as Kelvis.
Yes, if your name is Kelvis, you have a stupid name. Should get that shit changed.
@FrDashing, please post a news story only once. Pick ONE category and put it there.
got it
@Deleted User Maybe I’m just stupid or tired, but I have no clue what she’s talking about or why every reaction on conservative Twitter is “she’s too stupid to be third in line to be President”. By “a trillion”, I assume she means dollars, but what are they talking about adding the money to or taking it from? I just don’t have enough context to understand what dumb thing is happening.
Because singing a hymn can spread coronavirus, but HIV doesn't exist 👌
What a hateful thing to say! We all know coronavirus can’t be spread by gay people
Huh, that's not what LGBT people were saying a few months ago when they were complaining that COVID disproportionately affects them because they have so much HIV.
This is beyond sickening...🤢🤮
I need to watch church on TV and these sickos get to have at it in dirty water?
Not letting gay men go to a bathhouse during a pandemic is beyond homophobic! #BearLivesMatter
This means war...
Who uses bath houses anymore?
Is that like a hipster supermove?
Don’t look at me. I’m not a hipster! *(Hides his bookshelf containing a 1962 radio, Polaroid camera, windup alarm clock, and a 1979 electronic baseball LED game)*
> Who uses bathouses anymore?
@Adx "Bat" houses? You mean like where Batman lives?
I misspelled <:PepeHands:610384142965932033>
> Who uses bath houses anymore?
These days I believe they are called "truck stops" or "camp grounds"
And yet the lefties will still defend islam
Islam is right about trees
See, trees produce sticks. And when you bundle the sticks together, they become a fa. . . yeah, Islam doesn't want that.
That video is hilarious
At least they were smart enough not to start burning the trees