Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 741485993198092338
They’re now allegedly sisters.
I guess that means you could be banned from Twitter for showing the opening credits of the movies. That’s deadnaming, ya know.
Ruin a good thing like The Matrix by shoe horning your agenda seems... Rowling/Harry Potter type woke
So she pulled a Rowling? Oof
> Ruin a good thing like The Matrix by shoe horning your agenda seems... Rowling/Harry Potter type woke
@jerpeau Can Rowling be classed as Woke anymore? 😂😂 The Alt-Left probably see her as a Neo-Nazi as she doesn't completely conform to them 😂😂
Not gonna lie, this dude is the only thing worth a damn in the entire libertarian party
What did I just read
I don't know I'm wondering that myself
My life is no more complete than it was before reading that...
So I dont know if I'm less surprised that A) it was in Florida, or B) it involved a Burger King delay, or C) her husband's name is something as stupid as Kelvis.
Yes, if your name is Kelvis, you have a stupid name. Should get that shit changed.
@FrDashing, please post a news story only once. Pick ONE category and put it there.
got it
@Deleted User Maybe I’m just stupid or tired, but I have no clue what she’s talking about or why every reaction on conservative Twitter is “she’s too stupid to be third in line to be President”. By “a trillion”, I assume she means dollars, but what are they talking about adding the money to or taking it from? I just don’t have enough context to understand what dumb thing is happening.
Because singing a hymn can spread coronavirus, but HIV doesn't exist 👌
What a hateful thing to say! We all know coronavirus can’t be spread by gay people
Huh, that's not what LGBT people were saying a few months ago when they were complaining that COVID disproportionately affects them because they have so much HIV.
This is beyond sickening...🤢🤮
I need to watch church on TV and these sickos get to have at it in dirty water?
Not letting gay men go to a bathhouse during a pandemic is beyond homophobic! #BearLivesMatter
This means war...
Who uses bath houses anymore?
Is that like a hipster supermove?
Don’t look at me. I’m not a hipster! *(Hides his bookshelf containing a 1962 radio, Polaroid camera, windup alarm clock, and a 1979 electronic baseball LED game)*
> Who uses bathouses anymore?
@Adx "Bat" houses? You mean like where Batman lives?
I misspelled <:PepeHands:610384142965932033>
> Who uses bath houses anymore?
These days I believe they are called "truck stops" or "camp grounds"