Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 754076947306512535
@mathgrant, nice
He didn't down play anything.
They're taking his words out of context.
Remember the times when Fauci said you didn't need a mask? Those were good times
Way before Trump was even in office... I knew Maddow was just crap.
lol Cohen the douche
Literally that guy is the d-baggest d-bag of them all
That and Stormy Daniel's lawyer. I forgot that piece o sheet's name...
He literally pointed a gun at Kyle. It was self defense. He even said that he wished he could have killed him.
Also the fact that Kyle didn't shoot when the guy paused and waited until he started moving in again
Kyle had a molotov cocktail thrown at him if I recall correctly from the video shown.
That's enough for it to be self-defense
I'd rather be shot by a bullet than immolated.
article mentions the vegans since they're anti animal blood, they won't get spared from god's wrath
The sky in California is literally turn red for Trump, leftists go crazy!!!!
It’s grayish where I’m at.
The sky then spells out MAGA
This reply is beautiful
Transgender girls are boys who are victims of child abuse. Children shouldn’t be allowed to pick their gender when they aren’t even old enough to pick the POTUS.
The left: Victim-blaming is bad
Also the left: When 81 percent of white homicide victims are killed by blacks, it’s the white victims’ fault for being racist or something IDK
I love how they say that the numbers are correct for 2/3 statements
Yet they call it false
Donald Trump on June 14, 2021: Today is my 75th birthday!
Politifact: PANTS ON FIRE! Donald Trump said the right number, but he's Trump, and he didn't condemn right-wing fascism or anti-black racism while declaring it to be his birthday, so he's wrong.
Yeah, that is why I never trust fact checking sites
Babylon bee made fun of that in the past as well:
how to fact check - get off ur dumb ass and do it urself and check multiple sources..or ask somebody that lived thru the era of having to deal with the dam library system of fact checking
speaking of fact-checking... I don't think I can trust this NewsGuard extension....
Hope tim covers this