Vice President SwagLord

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lol ok

well this is a bruh moment

I can agree

is political discussion allowed

is political discussion allowed


(I myself am not a democrat or a republican, although I'd rather have Donald Trump over biden)
so I found out many of my old friends from New York were democrats because they got into a conversation about how republicans suck. unsurprising, as New York is largely democrat. I decided to ask them questions to see what and how they thought, like "what do you think would happen if donald trump became president?" and stuff like that. Turns out, they are HARDCORE democrats and hate trump and anyone who works for him. One of them said "All trump supporters are old, racist white men" I replied with: "I know plenty of trump supporters who aren't white nor racist." to which he replied:
"saying not all trump supporters are white racist old men is like saying all lives matter."
I also asked for proof and evidence of their claims about "joe biden not being a creep" and trump being evil but all their evidence came from very biased leftist news outlets. Only one of them actually admitted a few problems about joe biden, and agreed with me that he was a pedo/creep.
am I in the wrong or am I in the right in this situation?
(edit: some extra clarification and spelling)

I found out my friends were hardcore leftists and asked for their point of view, and they said crazy stuff and tried to back it up with extremely biased news sources.

I may be a young adult, but I am not into edgy political ideologies that have killed millions of people in the past.


good advice


I lived in new york for a good 3-4 years (I moved away about a year and a half ago) when I was in middle school and thats where I met my ny friends, I just recently got back in contact with em and thats when the whole thing went down.


lol joes here


I can confirm I am not below the age of 13

when I am of legal age to own a gun, I would love to own an M1 Garand.

his gaffes crack me up lol

"china will eat out lunch"

"all men and women are created by the- oh you know the the the thing"

My 2nd cousin has one

I got to hold it

it was really heavy

sounds right

Im currently a teen, and if I shot an M1 I might break my shoulder. I have such a skinny body type and Im also pretty small for my age.

so if I ever will shoot one I'd probably have to be a good bit older


you forgot to give your potatoes to stalin?

30 06 is a fairly large caliber too

rip indeed

Soo I made a rating list of every single pixar movie Ive watched. Feel free to disagree, as this is only my opinion.

a decent fantasy family film. Kinda forgot a lot of the movie tho.
Enjoy the music in the middle, and cry like a baby in the end
Incredibles 2
I mean.. its average, but it doesnt live up the original in any way.
Cars 3
a satisfying conclusion. Some of its kinda forgettable tho.
Finding dory
the most "meh" pixar film imo.
Inside Out
super creative, super whimsical, I love it. Also like coco, you might cry towards the end.
The good dinosaur
beautiful background, but it doesnt mix well with the toilet swirl cartoony dinosaurs and the forgettable, poopy plot.
Cars 2
I wish this never existed. Or at least was better.
Monsters University
honestly I mostly like this film because of the nostalgia so Ill give it extra points for that. Everything else about it is just decent I guess
When a movie is nostalgic and almost a masterpiece at the same time.
no no no no no no no no NO
beautiful beginning, its all pretty great.
plot is pretty good, this film makes an amazing testament, also it makes me really hungry.
The Incredibles
amazing super hero film and amazing family film all in 1. The relationship between mr incredible and mr incredible is "incredibly" realistic its almost scary sometimes.
mm nostalgia mmm
Toy Story 3
MMMMMM NOSTALGIA MMMMMMMM also its a great movie in general. Tbh the villain deserved death.
Toy Story 2
sorta boring in some parts, but more nostalgia, some great humor, and an all around great movie.
Toy Story 1
The grandfather of CGI films.
A bugs life
The scene where they build a bird is cool I guess, but just a meh movie tbh

Im honestly glad I joined this server

I love the community here


and not extreme leftists

I have friends who are leftists, but they arent EXTREME

they are nice

but then there are my friends from NY

they treat donald trump like a demon that will burn america with racism

thats only a tiny amount of exaggeration

They actually hate him and people who like him so much

but hey, theyre all from an urban part of new york so..

aha interesting



thats impressive

I suggest watching any movie that I gave an 8/10+


I rated every single pixar movie Ive seen in <#738823664346333234>

which is every single pixar movie except toy story 4


whats up?

wait thats a pixar

I have seen meet the robinsons

last time was like 4 months ago

probs 7-8/10


Oklahoma was all republican for a time and it was hilarious

"We choose truth over facts!"
- @its_Jimmy




I think biden dipped for now

I prob should too because its 12 am and I need to go to bed


hold on ill be back in a few minute

I’m not legally allowed yet

I too would love to own an M1 Garand @dippLOW_

My own great grandfather was in ww2, he probably had an M1 Garand

UMP45 I drew

and a P90 I drew

possibly one of my favorite pistols of all time

I’m pretty much just a glock fanboy

wait are we talking about religion



woah joe

those are some extreme promises coming from someone like you

my democratic friend said “all republicans are such hypocrites”

The amount of irony

I’m jealous

I so want to shoot an M16A1 full auto

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