Message from @Kii

Discord ID: 786671388747628564

2020-12-10 18:28:26 UTC  

They have filed to intervene as plaintiffs

2020-12-10 18:31:41 UTC  

How can I get updates on how many states are in on the suit?

2020-12-10 18:31:48 UTC  

And more

2020-12-10 18:47:02 UTC  

Either the SCOTUS website or

2020-12-10 19:02:19 UTC  

What is the precedent for suing another state? I’d think the constitution frowns on something like this tbh. (What would then prevent states suing over other states rights issues?) I LOVE the idea of more states coming on board with the challenge, but I am concerned this is rino activities in some part. This whole time we’ve said “why aren’t the republicans fighting back?” And then this crops up. I’m just wondering how many are in it to save their own skin.

2020-12-10 19:04:25 UTC  

There are 6 states on the suit vs GA, PA, MI and WI

2020-12-10 19:04:26 UTC  

The case the held the individual mandate to be unconstitutional was between California and Texas.

2020-12-10 19:04:39 UTC  

in this specific case? the cheating states changed their election laws in the eleventh hour and treating their state's vote different than the votes of the rest of the Union, thus violating the Equal Voter Protection Clause.

2020-12-10 19:05:20 UTC  

But each state can have their own election rules, no? Like Texas has voter ID I believe- bu lt colorado doesn’t.

2020-12-10 19:06:48 UTC  

Well, theoretically yes. And the case doesn't argue that they can't. However, state's must follow their own laws that are on the books and only those with the power granted to them may change the election rules. In many of these states, it wasn't the state legislature changing their state law for election rules.

2020-12-10 19:07:18 UTC  

Ok - that is a really good point.

2020-12-10 19:07:48 UTC  

Bc it wasn’t the legislature changing the rules of the election. That has to be shown as unconstitutional

2020-12-10 19:08:12 UTC  

I hope the people who have standing for that are the ones bringing it forward.

2020-12-10 19:08:45 UTC
Here is something that discusses legal precedent concerning the Equal Voter Protection Clause.

2020-12-10 19:09:03 UTC  

also Georgia's executive branch created laws at the last second, which ***only the legislatures have the sole authority to write new laws***

2020-12-10 19:10:03 UTC  

Yes- and I hope that the people that have standing for bringing the suit are the ones doing so. Texas doesn’t have standing. But the GA legislators do, given that it’s in their own state.

2020-12-10 19:10:51 UTC  

This definitely means that we need Voter ID and hand count ballots **across the board**

2020-12-10 19:10:54 UTC  

She sounds like a megachurch scammer.

2020-12-10 19:11:14 UTC  

That woman is a drunken embarrassment to humanity.

2020-12-10 19:12:23 UTC  

based pic related.

2020-12-10 19:12:35 UTC  

And then kamala Harris’ statement about it. Funny how she didn’t have that same standard when it came to jussie smollett.

2020-12-10 19:12:38 UTC  

she's trying to play the race and faith card

2020-12-10 19:12:54 UTC  

Actually, Texas does have standing, as do the 20 or so states that are suing. The Equal Voter Protection Clause is a U.S. Federal Law. It is within each state's rights to ensure that their constituents are counted for in any election. If it is believed that there is fraudulent voting in Ohio and it would change the outcome of an election, then it is the duty of the state to protect the election for their constituents.

2020-12-10 19:15:49 UTC  

"based pic related" ,,few yrs of political correctness will do that to a ppl sick and tired of bs politicians on every side of the vote

2020-12-10 19:16:18 UTC  

and when i mean 'a ppl' ...i mean american ppl in general

2020-12-10 19:16:48 UTC  

trump was the thunderdome warrior waiting to get into the game...but the thunderdome had to be built first

2020-12-10 19:33:14 UTC  

The electors meet soon do you think trump can turn the results by then?

2020-12-10 19:33:24 UTC  

He still can

2020-12-10 19:33:27 UTC  

The cases keep getting rejected

2020-12-10 19:33:37 UTC  

Not really all of them

2020-12-10 19:33:58 UTC  

Also fun fact about Bush v Gore: Bush's cases always got rejected in lower courts.

2020-12-10 19:34:07 UTC  

So Trump is not alone

2020-12-10 19:34:41 UTC  

How can he bring it to the Supreme Court

2020-12-10 19:38:59 UTC  

Texas's case

2020-12-10 19:39:07 UTC  

It's the docketing

2020-12-10 19:42:41 UTC  

PA response to TX filing

2020-12-10 19:42:59 UTC  

1. They're Republicans, you can't trust them
2. You gave us very little time to respond!

2020-12-10 19:45:24 UTC