Message from @The Guy Behind You

Discord ID: 778679571557515264

2020-11-18 04:21:34 UTC  

Hey. Could we annex some neighbors and truly become "Americans?"

2020-11-18 04:22:52 UTC  

Getting Nicaragua could open up making a new canal, bigger than the one we built in Panama.

2020-11-18 04:56:00 UTC
This is why Michigan is not being certified

2020-11-18 05:51:15 UTC  

Its always the racists fault

2020-11-18 05:51:31 UTC  

like the boogeyman

2020-11-18 06:06:14 UTC  

what a loser

2020-11-18 06:06:56 UTC  

you shall not force the people

2020-11-18 06:46:19 UTC  

@Nando notice how most of them are really fat? I guess the white supremacy of McDonalds is really oppressive to
their body.

2020-11-18 07:16:39 UTC  

My step dad told me what he read about the great reset and it sounds like a globalist dystopian nightmare

2020-11-18 13:55:16 UTC  
2020-11-18 14:14:24 UTC

2020-11-18 15:04:33 UTC  

Beanie lord has spoken

2020-11-18 17:13:36 UTC  

Sorry I am new to politics. What is globalism and why is it bad?

2020-11-18 17:45:14 UTC  

It’s like a federal govt trying to run things on the state county or city level. It just doesn’t work.

2020-11-18 17:48:49 UTC  

??? Thats not the definition i found

2020-11-18 17:54:17 UTC  

Google build back better

2020-11-18 17:54:37 UTC  

When people refer to globalism they mean the act of interconnecting separate countries governments to be overseen by an "international government" similar to how the UN has shown themselves to operate but with more power. Creating these international dependencies you open up the reality of certain countries being run by outside forces. The reason this is problematic is due to the overwhelming influence that bad actors have on the international platform, ie. China's influence over the UN and the blatant corruption happening on the international scene.

2020-11-18 17:55:13 UTC  

Imagine all decisions in the US being decided by those that seek to impress their own ideas upon us from another country that has an entirely separate ideology

2020-11-18 17:55:16 UTC  

The UN is betraying it’s core values to lick chinas boots

2020-11-18 17:56:04 UTC  

Genocide, doxxing people back to China that seek asylum, etc

Because they’re starving for troops and authority they can’t even maintain

2020-11-18 17:56:50 UTC  

A good example that has already happened in the real world is that due to the globalism that Obama pushed we ended up emigrating jobs to China due to their cheap labor rates. Basically disadvantaging the US while greatly boosting the economic success of China

2020-11-18 17:58:22 UTC  

And what did China do with all that? Attack and threaten their neighbors. Extort everyone in the Asia pacific. Lie about everything. Commit crimes. Deny basic human rights. Harvest organs. Genocide.

2020-11-18 17:58:22 UTC  

Now "The Great Reset" proposes redefining the world's combined economies using marxist ideologies counter to those that have grown the world that we see today. And of course implementing governing bodies that hold to international standards as opposed to national ones

2020-11-18 17:59:10 UTC  

If you look at how globalism has been implemented so far you get things like North Korea, China and Iran reviewing the US's "human rights violations"

2020-11-18 17:59:23 UTC  

Yeah that was a joke

2020-11-18 17:59:31 UTC  

I hope people aren’t that stupid

2020-11-18 17:59:49 UTC  

literally the worst perpetrators in the world telling the leader of the free world that what they are doing is unacceptable

2020-11-18 17:59:59 UTC  

its like a scene out of the twilight zone

2020-11-18 18:00:49 UTC  

It would be like Hitler telling FDR that the US was committing human rights violations

2020-11-18 18:02:05 UTC  

and the only reason that it isnt shot down immediately is because we allowed china to have enough power and money to buy off all the major and minor players in the international scene

2020-11-18 18:02:39 UTC  

and we dont hear about it in the propagandist media because they are bought and paid for as well

2020-11-18 18:03:16 UTC  

we only know about these things because of the neutrality of the internet but they are now trying to impose their will on that

2020-11-18 20:01:39 UTC  

been watching this for a bit!

2020-11-18 20:04:35 UTC  

> The UN is betraying it’s core values to lick chinas boots
@vexedart The UN was founded on the same basic principles of the League of Nations, you know the group that let Germany invade Europe unopposed. Their only value is a globalist one world order.

2020-11-18 20:09:31 UTC  

But the UN is wildly different from the League of Nations. It was created bc the LON was a faliure and the two are very different. The UN spends its money lowering military tensions, fighting starvation, fighting poverty, working to eradicate abuse of children, increasing overall education and much more. Just because the UN takes action on a global scale does not mean their only value is "one world order".