Message from @chaz

Discord ID: 775722725154750465

2020-11-09 22:12:24 UTC  

I was gonna put in bad math LOL

2020-11-09 22:12:31 UTC  

Hunter is now 7’2

2020-11-09 23:22:07 UTC

2020-11-10 02:08:11 UTC  

yeah, trump really making some interesting alligations, and I am sorry, but the Nazi actually destabilized trust in the goverment by attempting a coup, which failed, but weakened peoples trust in the goverment, dems and reds are not nazi's in the way that they are gonna take conrtol, they are nazi's in the way that they are too reliaent on propaganda

2020-11-10 04:36:25 UTC  

I thought it all started because of universal healthcare which tanked the german economy and got the ball rolling towards the events leading upto and including ww2 when the funds started to dry up.

2020-11-10 05:23:50 UTC  

Hmmmm maybe history REPEATS itself. I dunno *looks at history books*

2020-11-10 05:24:05 UTC  

<:CursedEmoji:763140778770825247> the face after you read them

2020-11-10 05:26:05 UTC  

Don't worry about that though 😜

2020-11-10 05:38:11 UTC  

🤔 and an eloquent orator, that could sell ice cream to eskimos. "If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period."

2020-11-10 05:58:20 UTC  

> I thought it all started because of universal healthcare which tanked the german economy and got the ball rolling towards the events leading upto and including ww2 when the funds started to dry up.

We can also include the harsh reparations in the Treaty of Versailles, demilitarization, and huge loss of territory.

2020-11-10 06:32:12 UTC  

How was Gemany pulled out of its depression after WW1?

2020-11-10 06:39:36 UTC  

Adolf Hitler

2020-11-10 06:40:18 UTC  

He had them build roadways and bridges and such to pay them as well as rebuilding the armed forces, in secret of course

2020-11-10 12:14:09 UTC  

Basically mass spending on both public and governmental assets

2020-11-10 12:54:01 UTC  

In general terms, the start of WW2 can't be pointed out to a single event, it is caused by a lot of events (yes, even in WWI) and factors.

2020-11-10 12:57:45 UTC  


2020-11-10 12:57:57 UTC  

All wars never have a simple cause

2020-11-10 13:46:59 UTC  

@chaz do you believe that people should be armed?

2020-11-10 14:01:44 UTC  

@Kaladin ok, so here is my argument: gun deaths in out country are at a tragic high, and I believe a solution, even if it save one life, is still worth pursueing. So the good guy with a gun thing, which is often scoffed at, actually takes president in 3% OF gun crime, 3% is not a lot but it is still worth pursing. However I believe we should also try to prevent a bad guy with a gun, sure they could get a gun illegally, but it is a problem when it is easier for them to get it legally. So I think there are some steps we can take: further background check, check for cases of domestic abuse(idk, just thinking), taking the models of guns that are statically the used the most in crime by a wide margin, keep guns out of the hands of the mentally unstable, and end online gun sales. It is not a matter of taking away guns, it is a matter of allowing upstanding mentally stable citizen to safely have guns. thoughts

2020-11-10 14:02:41 UTC  

background check is already federally mandated

2020-11-10 14:05:09 UTC  

yes, but there are multible legal ways you gun buy a gun without one (is my understanding)

2020-11-10 14:05:42 UTC  

such as

2020-11-10 14:06:59 UTC  

guns show, private sales, online, charleston loophole

2020-11-10 14:09:16 UTC  

The gun show loop hole, private sale loophole, online slaes loophole are all false

2020-11-10 14:10:07 UTC  

go read 18 USC 922

2020-11-10 14:11:39 UTC  

thanks, again this is just my understanding, you all probably know the law better

2020-11-10 14:13:03 UTC  

how do we feel about making the process longer to diswaud impulse buying?

2020-11-10 14:13:24 UTC  

Dislike that idea

2020-11-10 14:14:41 UTC  

technically any waiting period is illegal

2020-11-10 14:14:56 UTC  

but the more you add the larger the violation of due process

2020-11-10 14:17:51 UTC  

I'm just thinking of ways, supported by numbers, to lower gun deaths

2020-11-10 14:18:31 UTC  

Thing is, gun deaths are statistically fairly low, hell there's almost more car accident deaths than there are gun deaths

2020-11-10 14:19:22 UTC  

Hell there's more deaths via hands, hammers, and knives individually than deatha via guns

2020-11-10 14:21:15 UTC  

Frankly the biggest reason why gun deaths are fairly low is due to good guy with a gun

2020-11-10 14:22:22 UTC  

Because if a bad guy with a gun knows he is surrounded by good guys with a gun, the bad guy with a gun is less inclined to attack someone

2020-11-10 14:38:21 UTC  

and frankly i think gun free zones should be abolished, because all that does is group defenseless people into a single area and its something thats impossible to actually enforce because of things like conceal carry

2020-11-10 15:34:23 UTC  

For those with a criminal record, what if they're trying to turn their lives around and are police informants? if they help bust, say a cartel leader, and that leader finds out, he will order people to kill the person in question for screwing over. So now, he needs to be able to defend himself but he can't obtain a gun with his criminal record, so what now? The police can't help even with the witness protection program, assuming the person even agrees to it as the police also can't stick guards to him as it makes it even more obvious where he lives

2020-11-10 16:28:46 UTC  

if they are a police infomant they can get legal help from the police

2020-11-10 16:31:12 UTC  

good guys with a gun affect 3% of armed confrontation and probably stop another 10% more for simply existing, but there are ways, I belive we can make this tragedy get better while still maintaining the second amendement right.

2020-11-10 16:31:28 UTC  

^^now remove all the big *democrat run* cities and we drop almost to the bottom