Message from @PlP3 CL3AN3R G0D
Discord ID: 780230577349066771
19-21st century had a million wars
Up to now
Press F to pay respects to JFK
It's been exactly 57 years since he was killed
*presses F and farts at the same time* Whoops
i thought he was killed on the 22nd.
Also time zones
On March 4, 1941 two British commando units and one demolition squad raided the Lofoten islands in Norway. They successfully landed and completed their objectives without a shot being fired while taking over two hundred prisoner. One of the raiders couldn’t help but use the local post office to send a telegram to A. Hitler. The telegram read “Reference your last speech I thought you said that whenever British troops land on the continent of Europe German soldiers will face them well where are they.”
the pics used to creep me out as a kid
Aren't there also Republican Presidents?
Do you think if Donald Trump got shot while giving a speech, he would continue to give the speech until he was done, like Teddy Roosevelt?
maybe? not sure
In 1777 the Green Mountain Boys fought under General Stark at the Battle of Bennington. Its green field represented their name and the thirteen white stars a tribute to the thirteen colonies. Flags are awesome!
And what Ashima is because I need this for history
Janism is a asian religion
It’s where the nazi symbol comes from
Would you consider a non biased source for history? I'm thinking of subscribing to it for writing references
very interesting
Slavic migration never happened btw
I'mma just post something I saw from quora that I thought was very interesting
Lets say there were one million or 3 million settling on the Balkans from the North\Poland\White Russia, did they travel on foot without maps. for 100–200 days all on different roads? Did they have food for up to 3.000.000 people to travel for 100 days? Did they carry 50 killograms of food each? And had to look for watter every night? Did they take the old and also those who did not want to migrate?
If Poland\Russia could produce one year in advace food for millions slavic migrants THEN WHY MOVE from there??? You will be rich if your neighbour leaves a farm land that can produce one year worth of food supply in advance!
1600 years ago it got also dark pretty fast. With old people and babies the travel time of the millions “slavic” settlers must have been reduced to few hours a day. Making camp’ cooking, looking for water..
There are so many funny things about the Slavic Wave Fiction (i can call it fiction = no historical source, no history!) stay tuned
see what I'm saying
This is random, but I just got done watching a video on Chinese history, and it bothers me that so many people online parrot the propaganda that the CCP fought against the Japanese in WW2. The nationalists were the ones that exhausted their manpower fending of the Japanese, which is why the red army backed by the soviets were able to wipe the floor with them in the Chinese civil war.
I heard before that the communists used the war to conserve strength until they could reignite the civil war
It seems they had a token presence on the frontline to fool the KMT
aka a bunch of cock sucking communist cowards, what else is new?
The kmt warred with the Japs in open battle, the ccp mostly used hit and run guerilla tactics, fucking up jap supply lines etc
But then the kmt felt for a long time that the ccp were a bigger threat, allowing the jap problem to grow too big to handle.
The PLA (what the ccp had been known as at the time) were essentially just a small faction that, with each loss true china lost against Japan their numbers grew, and so when America pulled what forces it had put in China after WW2 ended, the PLA found the perfect time to overthrow the Chinese governemnt, using propaganda specifically targetting the loyalist nationalists of China that encompassed the idea that while the common man was out getting beheaded by the IJA, the Government was gettinf fat off of the war, amd so the PLA painted themselves as hero's who would be the ones to save the day and defeated Japan