Message from @Artoo
Discord ID: 779715902559617024
it's the biggest thing i hate about America, we are a newly founded land which means we won't have all those awesome ruins
Those are SOUTH american, aren't they?
olmec and anasazi idk bout those but the rest are south american, not up here in these areas
the tribes we had built teepees
but we still do have a fair amount of ancient ruins
that pic is in colorado
the rest of the pics i don't care for at all
i like this one though
*b r u h*
ceremonies and hills don't mean much to me, yeah it probably took some labor to create those hills but i like that colorado ruin
i'll look more into that one, thanks
aight np
Unlike Jeffrey Epstein
Ngl. Modern History is the most challenging era I have ever encountered.
It is where most controversies thrive.
If 1800s-1900s have that much controversy (Specifically those who idolize individuals too much), how much more controversial events will we have in the 2000s?
I have always found 1940s-1970s a fascinating period of history, allbeit quite recent
It is interesting, and it is a bait for controversies, since the Cold War was running then.
Most things involving the Soviets are controversial, namely Holodomor, the Great Purge, Berlin Wall, Iron Curtain, etc.
Lmao we have Native American ruins though
19-21st century had a million wars
Up to now
Press F to pay respects to JFK
It's been exactly 57 years since he was killed
*presses F and farts at the same time* Whoops
i thought he was killed on the 22nd.
Also time zones
On March 4, 1941 two British commando units and one demolition squad raided the Lofoten islands in Norway. They successfully landed and completed their objectives without a shot being fired while taking over two hundred prisoner. One of the raiders couldn’t help but use the local post office to send a telegram to A. Hitler. The telegram read “Reference your last speech I thought you said that whenever British troops land on the continent of Europe German soldiers will face them well where are they.”
the pics used to creep me out as a kid
Aren't there also Republican Presidents?
Do you think if Donald Trump got shot while giving a speech, he would continue to give the speech until he was done, like Teddy Roosevelt?
maybe? not sure
In 1777 the Green Mountain Boys fought under General Stark at the Battle of Bennington. Its green field represented their name and the thirteen white stars a tribute to the thirteen colonies. Flags are awesome!