Message from @Zallis The Pokemon

Discord ID: 775497236397293601

2020-11-09 16:34:23 UTC  

From God

2020-11-09 16:34:30 UTC  

A person it will take a bit

2020-11-09 16:34:47 UTC  

The Bible says that you have to ask for forgiveness

2020-11-09 16:35:02 UTC  

Well yeah

2020-11-09 16:35:13 UTC  

You have to accept Christ and then come to him to be forgiven

2020-11-09 16:35:53 UTC  

God loves all but hates sin, so repenting is the only way to earn forgiveness

2020-11-09 17:50:10 UTC  

We repent and put our trust and faith in Christ, the Son of God, we will be saved.
By grace (of God) through faith (in Christ).

2020-11-09 19:37:40 UTC  

@mathgrant I don't know a lot about furries, I do know that they wear suits but other than that I don't know much. Could you inform me?

2020-11-09 19:39:40 UTC  


2020-11-09 19:50:21 UTC  

> @mathgrant I don't know a lot about furries, I do know that they wear suits but other than that I don't know much. Could you inform me?
@DrStrange77 Some furries are nice and clean and PG-rated, but a lot of them are into sexual garbage that I would get banned from this server for saying much about. LGBT's are vastly overrepresented among furries compared to the general population, as are insane lefties. They do, in fact, sometimes wear costumes, or fursuits; some of these fursuits are innocent and nice enough, while others are designed to facilitate sex. But on the topic of what this channel's about, some furries claim to be Christians, and some of those very well might actually be, but a lot of them are trying to pander to the left by accepting sexual behavior that the Bible does not condone in the slightest (to the point that I've even seen obscene gay furry porn with characters wearing cross necklaces), and in one case, as mentioned above, I saw a "Christian" furry cheer for the punching and glitterbombing of Richard Spencer instead of turning the other cheek or praying for his enemies. Unfortunately for my right standing with God, this deviant behavior (which no Christian scholar condoned for 1900 years until secular people started pushing for it) rubbed off on me, and I became bi. Also, I became a "Nazi", which may also be bad. God had better be as willing to forgive me as He was to forgive Saul of Tarsus, or I'm screwed.

2020-11-09 19:54:10 UTC  

Oh interesting. I fully believe that you can be forgiven. My views are different than others on this server, but with dedication along with a broken heart and contrite spirit you can repent and become full again.

2020-11-09 20:16:32 UTC  

@mathgrant what is the furry culture exactly, at its core? People who like anthropomorphic animals dressing up in costumes?

2020-11-09 20:19:54 UTC  

> @mathgrant what is the furry culture exactly, at its core? People who like anthropomorphic animals dressing up in costumes?
@MKSmash At its core, yes. That's the aspect that all furries agree on.

2020-11-09 20:31:27 UTC  

Ah, thank you

2020-11-09 21:04:17 UTC  

Christianity doesn’t revolve around words or repentance. It revolves around God doing something towards us, not us doing something for/Towards God. Consequences are also vital to understand, sure repentance is good and all but ask yourself why do I repent? And what happens if I don’t? After you’ve asked that you can view the world a lot more clearly and the way God intended you to do so

2020-11-09 21:06:00 UTC  

Salvation is also a super vital topic. If you view God as someone who just throws people in hell every other minute for not following a religious organization, then I advise you recalibrate how you view God and the world

2020-11-09 21:28:54 UTC  

the war on terror was just another crusade

2020-11-09 21:29:26 UTC  

change my mind

2020-11-09 21:37:17 UTC  


2020-11-09 22:57:42 UTC  

What are the beliefs of your respective churches on abortion?

2020-11-09 23:09:09 UTC  

That it is wrong

2020-11-09 23:09:50 UTC  

i dont current go to a church but its what i believe

2020-11-09 23:11:37 UTC  

I as a woman of faith don't believe in abortion. But... I'm not gonna go and force people not to do abortion. But I do wanna stop the media and other demons from convincing prospective mothers to abort.

2020-11-09 23:12:06 UTC  

I believe that it is very immoral but I'm Baptist and it really depends on the church you go to some are more conservative in their beliefs and some are more liberal

2020-11-09 23:13:15 UTC  

abortion as presented by planned parenthood was meant to be a eugenics program targeting minority mothers

2020-11-09 23:14:10 UTC  

i heard about that. also how they take stem cells from the embryos that are aborted which makes me very uncomfortable

2020-11-09 23:15:27 UTC  

yes we are gonna treat you for your cancer with cells from aborted babies, no thank you please

2020-11-09 23:16:05 UTC  

But if I was given the opportunity I would absolutely make abortion illegal

2020-11-09 23:16:06 UTC  

I believe abortion is awful and always wrong :)

2020-11-09 23:16:44 UTC  

when does science and ethics cross the line? when death is involved

2020-11-09 23:18:12 UTC  

The whole abortion debate to be honest was started by feminists. I, as a woman, in general, even without faith, don't believe in feminism. People say it's about equality but anyone with their own sane minds can see through the lies that feminism is not about equality, it's about demonizing men for acting in their respective natural way of behavior, it's about accepting men who act more feminine and disregarding masculinity, it's about changing American culture, it's about sexualizing society as much as possible, and it's about taking away everything that defines a man by violating the nuclear family, victimizing women who they themselves don't feel they are victims, and flat out creating this matriarchal dominatrix kinda way of life for society moving forward. It's depressing and wrong, but most importantly, it is unnatural. SO feminism today is basically getting into all the subtopics of men and women in society and feminists in their cursed minds believe women are being oppressed by the very child that they hold and nurture within them. It's pure evil.

2020-11-09 23:19:04 UTC  

Get rid of feminism, find real gender equality that truly tolerates women's decisions and doesn't regard patriotic women as oppressed, and peace will have been achieved in every day American life

2020-11-09 23:19:26 UTC  

victimization leads to polarization

2020-11-09 23:20:12 UTC  

and polarization has cause such a division in our country rn that no side can understand the other

2020-11-09 23:20:31 UTC  

but i digress

2020-11-09 23:21:11 UTC  

search how many babies have died in the name of science and it will make you sick

2020-11-09 23:21:38 UTC  

> search how many babies have died in the name of science and it will make you sick
@Zallis The Pokemon I already have. It's disgusting.

2020-11-09 23:24:24 UTC  

But the main problem comes when a woman feels in doubt of herself taking the next steps, not because she's feeling doubt naturally but because it's been pressured into her by foreign actors like friends and some strangers too who want to make the decision of keeping this child or not for those women.

2020-11-09 23:25:35 UTC  


2020-11-09 23:26:02 UTC  

it can also be a bf or husband who has doubts or wants the baby

2020-11-09 23:26:27 UTC  

It's just hard to get around. I'm all for free will, if a woman wants to abort, that's fine with me(even though if you didn't expect or want a baby in the first place you should've used safer sex alternatives like condoms, just saying). It's none of my business what she does. But to force women to choose whether to abort or not, I'm not exactly a fan of.