Message from @Silk

Discord ID: 786099249023811654

2020-12-09 05:02:24 UTC  

If Christianity didn't start with Peter and the Apostles then all Christianity is false as it has no structure or origin that can have any claim to teaching authority.

Jesus said to go make believers of all men, that upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church. Binding and loosing, forgiving sins, baptizing, those who reject you reject Me, etc.

Also, if Peter didn't have the authority of the Pope then that means we need to still be practicing the bulk of Jewish law as Jesus himself did not abolish it.
How many Christians follow ALL of the laws from the Old Testament? It is the Catholic church that decided which things were still binding and which were not.

It was the church that complied with the Bible, changed dietary restrictions, and taught believers what things were true and what things were false.

You cannot hold the Bible to be true without leaning of the Authority of the Catholic church which authoritatively declared it as such. -Did the Emperor Constantine found the Catholic Church? - Why Should I Be Catholic?

2020-12-09 05:02:35 UTC  

If it's offered as a cheap alternative for individuals that can't afford it, they'll simply tank the prices in order to defeat their competition, in this case the Private health sector, absolutely Rockefeller in nature.

2020-12-09 05:04:00 UTC  

The cornering of the market then lowering their standards

2020-12-09 05:06:17 UTC  

You can still hold the Bible to be true without the authority of the Catholic Church because yes they are the oldest denomination but the authority of the Bible has never come from the Catholic Church, rather it has come from the apostles including Paul, and Jesus.

2020-12-09 05:07:40 UTC  

On making the comment about it being "the oldest", I was using that as an example of how certain atheists like to paint it, "if there's such an argument about Christian doctrine with the oldest one in comparison to new ones, how can any of it be trusted", I was quoting a talking point that I don't share.

2020-12-09 05:13:12 UTC  

@Danos Dawn Dachshund christianity didn't start with peter, it started with Christ

2020-12-09 05:13:57 UTC  

"rather it has come from the apostles including Paul, and Jesus."- who were the leaders of the Catholic church. And the Bible was compiled long after them. There were many different writings and it was the Church who decided which writings were Canon and which were not and declared that the Bible was the word of God.

2020-12-09 05:14:53 UTC  

Correct. Jesus created the Catholic church by instituting Peter as the first Pope.

2020-12-09 05:15:03 UTC  

No he didnt

2020-12-09 05:15:07 UTC  

Jesus hated religion

2020-12-09 05:15:13 UTC  

Yes the Catholic Church did play a huge role in this

2020-12-09 05:15:37 UTC  

No I didn't try...he actually hated religion

2020-12-09 05:16:02 UTC  

Catholicism is just another version of Judaism

2020-12-09 05:16:07 UTC  

Matthew 23

2020-12-09 05:16:14 UTC  


2020-12-09 05:16:16 UTC

2020-12-09 05:16:39 UTC  

Giving to much power to one man(pope)

2020-12-09 05:17:08 UTC  

No, he literally did not. Go read the scriptures. Go read early Christain history.

2020-12-09 05:17:18 UTC  

Religion is man-made

2020-12-09 05:17:39 UTC  

The Pope has very little power. And God created religion.

2020-12-09 05:17:45 UTC  

Christianity is technically not a religion because it was not made by man

2020-12-09 05:17:46 UTC  

@Danos Dawn Dachshund I legit just showed you scripture

2020-12-09 05:17:48 UTC  

Have a relationship with Christ

2020-12-09 05:17:49 UTC  

The whole chapter

2020-12-09 05:17:58 UTC  

8 “Don’t let anyone call you ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one teacher, and all of you are equal as brothers and sisters.[d] 9 And don’t address anyone here on earth as ‘Father,’ for only God in heaven is your Father. 10 And don’t let anyone call you ‘Teacher,’ for you have only one teacher, the Messiah. 11 The greatest among you must be a servant. 12 But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

2020-12-09 05:18:20 UTC  

13 “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either.[e]

2020-12-09 05:18:32 UTC  

^ is legit talking about saying others won't go into heaven

2020-12-09 05:18:34 UTC  

But again

2020-12-09 05:18:38 UTC  

This isn't for debate

2020-12-09 05:18:50 UTC  

This channel is for discussing not debating.

2020-12-09 05:18:52 UTC  

I can understand the reasoning to some degree of why they have a pope. to act in some manner as an impartial judge to ensure that different actions of churches and different regions are not painting scripture with cultural preference in those regions.

2020-12-09 05:19:05 UTC  

Got in trouble last time for it but y'all in here rampant with it

2020-12-09 05:19:33 UTC  

Calling out Religious leaders who abused their power is not hating religion..

2020-12-09 05:19:48 UTC  

LOl sorry I can't help myself somtimes

2020-12-09 05:20:10 UTC  

I will get off my soap box for now and go to bed good night

2020-12-09 05:20:37 UTC  

It's late where I'm at as well. Later.

2020-12-09 05:20:48 UTC  

The whole chapter is about religion and how he hates it.

2020-12-09 05:21:16 UTC  

How he doesn't approve of people saying others aren't going to heaven when they follow HIS ONLY TWO rules to get in

2020-12-09 05:21:38 UTC  

And yeah imma get off and try and hope more that biden don't get in

2020-12-09 05:21:52 UTC  

@TwoWeapons On that, I think Jesus saying that aggravated the Pharisees, as they considered themselves the arbiters of God's law, Jesus happened to put them in their place, and they didn't like that.

2020-12-09 05:22:24 UTC  

No that's for the specific versus the whole chapter and more explain how he hates it