Message from @FireG
Discord ID: 751611266857959570
her daughter likes to play but she gets tired alot cuz shes so chubby
This is my son, you shan't touch him.
"The council has judged your actions"
That's adorable and funny
She's a weird cat.
But they're safe until they can crawl out.
Big ol unit
That's a big fishy
It's a Taimen, a trout that can grow to over 6.5 feet long and up to 265 lbs, only found in rivers connected to the russian baikal lake, which is so big that it holds a third of the worlds fresh water.
in sweden, a big trout is 10 lbs, this thing eats that
that's freaking huge
Lol why is it my cat always glares at me when she falls/rolls off of whatever she's lounging on?
Sure I'm laughing, but its hardly my fault!
π <:troll_face:726878856585281557>
@LeSwede also nice fish, whats its name? Jk
I love it
Im posting pictures of my turtle
Hes a chonky boy
Dont mind the semen on the lense of the last photo
Raised him from a hatchling π
I'm sorry the what?
That one is better
I wiped it off
why does my kitten love to chew on me
ive never seen a turtle with a tail before
Kittens chewing on you (typical on the ear) is a sign they were weaned or separated too early from momma cat. Its also a sign they've adopted you as a parent
well it hurts and he wont stop even when i flick his ear
Also i learned about a new animal today. Apparently there is such a thing as a peanut butter jellyfish
what about a jam jellyfish