Message from @Plague Doctor Lawrence

Discord ID: 797250669085720607

2021-01-08 21:07:44 UTC  

@Mr.Shrek I also did that and she never knew about any of this

2021-01-08 21:08:09 UTC  

They are a lost cause

2021-01-08 21:08:38 UTC  

Also her daughter has massive nose ring

2021-01-08 21:09:20 UTC  
2021-01-08 21:09:23 UTC  

Have them watch this

2021-01-08 21:09:31 UTC  


2021-01-08 21:10:35 UTC  

I work for my aunt

2021-01-08 21:11:28 UTC  

It gets annoying hearing all her friends call Trump and his supporters racist

2021-01-08 21:12:33 UTC  

It is very very annoying

2021-01-08 21:12:56 UTC  

I know some people that are blatantly brainwashed and they don’t even know it

2021-01-08 21:13:14 UTC  

People that would otherwise be pretty smart too. It’s a shame

2021-01-08 21:18:22 UTC  

I think trump should have instead focused on making a vaccine against media brainwash

2021-01-08 21:18:44 UTC  

Just make them promise to be skeptical of both sides.

2021-01-08 22:44:31 UTC  

@NPC11 please stop trying to red pill people... I've tried several times and failed all of them. It's best to just let them live in their delusions than try to help them out of it. If you keep at this, you'll just strengthen their ways...

2021-01-08 22:46:57 UTC  

@Plague Doctor Lawrence yeah i guess you're right

2021-01-08 22:47:16 UTC  

at least im not shunned from them though

2021-01-08 22:51:38 UTC  

I have this one liberal friend and boy he is smart! Rather than being stunned and silenced by some questions, he can answer them all off the top of his head! Giving over three examples with "Proof" at well as debunked any counter argument easily and actually make sense.

2021-01-08 23:24:52 UTC  

Every attempt I made to lead him to the truth has driven him further from it to a point to where I don't even want to try anymore. The only person that can help him out of his TDS now, is himself...

2021-01-08 23:41:04 UTC  

If he can back his perspective up with solid evidence, he isn't the deranged one

2021-01-08 23:48:57 UTC  

Actually a lot of what he said could be proven wrong with actual facts, but because of how fast he can set up his evidence no matter how false can not possibly be proven wrong by me...

2021-01-08 23:49:31 UTC  

I'm telling you, he is very clever.

2021-01-08 23:50:31 UTC  

no, he is right

2021-01-08 23:53:20 UTC  

Explain please.

2021-01-09 00:19:34 UTC  

Doesn’t he at least report both sides of the argument?

2021-01-09 00:23:33 UTC  

Sometimes, he just injects his opinion a bit more

2021-01-09 00:27:14 UTC  

Well all people are going to be biased, in their own way.

2021-01-09 00:27:27 UTC  

At least he gives us something to think about right?’

2021-01-09 00:30:36 UTC  

@NPC11 I would say that in general when facing someone of different opinions and views from you, don’t get angry or emotionally triggered by them but rationally confront, debate the ideology behind their way of thinking things. Not everyone is automatically prone to change if you attempt to “save them”. So rather focus on yourself by arming you with factual knowledge, truth and faith because not only you are being targeted too but the spiritual battle is no exception here as well. Keep growing (red pilling) yourself to not bend to evilness

2021-01-09 00:32:35 UTC  

Tim is notorious for either lacking understanding of nuanced topics or spreading blatant disinformation

2021-01-12 16:40:05 UTC  

So gab is gone now too?

2021-01-12 16:42:38 UTC  

no..still online

2021-01-12 16:42:50 UTC  

slow to access but it's still online

2021-01-12 16:43:20 UTC  

anywhere from 50k-500k ppl signing up on to it would make it slow

2021-01-12 16:52:03 UTC  

That’s what we said about Parler too, and then it was taken down. I’m sure the servers are overloaded though.

2021-01-12 17:03:57 UTC  

@TheStarshipReport I saw that in my YouTube too.

2021-01-12 17:06:08 UTC  

This is what I've been saying all along. It's way too convenient.

2021-01-12 17:06:28 UTC  

That's what scares me the most to be honest - we're expected not to question any of this.

2021-01-12 17:09:05 UTC  

Seems like the same happened to Gab and no one noticed

2021-01-12 17:12:58 UTC  

What's horrendous is that the same "hate speech" that got Gab in trouble is incredibly close to what Twitter and Instagram allowed on their platforms from the left

2021-01-12 17:14:19 UTC  

It was bad to say what amounted to "It's only a couple of Jews ugh" on Gab...but it was okay to talk about how you wanted to fry cops like bacon all summer on Insta and Twitter