Message from @米饭和面条
Discord ID: 771507781878546443
but they wont cause theyre idiots
I made that suggestion once to a girl. Turned out she was native. (I didn't know). She threw a fit on how dare I saying that to her. It's her land, they were here first, dirty settler..... I'm not even American
of course she made that statement
the fuck they want us to do
pack up n leave?
all 380 million people?
Do people not understand that lands get conquered
They do. But that thought is racist :P
That's why they hate Columbus so much
They obviously don't, given how much they hate Israel
> I made that suggestion once to a girl. Turned out she was native. (I didn't know). She threw a fit on how dare I saying that to her. It's her land, they were here first, dirty settler..... I'm not even American
@Toilet Hugger please tell her from me that I think she's a stupid bitch
my brain
if your rights are taken away, you cant leave
lol what
ask them for a citation
*how America became a country full of assholes*
Werent we always like this?
its in a gc
also please ask them for which rights
and ask if they've ever heard of something called the "Civil Rights Act"
say yes i don't your stupidity in the US
can u invite me
i want to debate them
no invites in server
it's a gc
but you can DM it