Message from @meriingue ❄
Discord ID: 771508430480343072
> I made that suggestion once to a girl. Turned out she was native. (I didn't know). She threw a fit on how dare I saying that to her. It's her land, they were here first, dirty settler..... I'm not even American
@Toilet Hugger please tell her from me that I think she's a stupid bitch
my brain
if your rights are taken away, you cant leave
lol what
ask them for a citation
is this on a school/irl friend server?
*how America became a country full of assholes*
Werent we always like this?
its in a gc
also please ask them for which rights
and ask if they've ever heard of something called the "Civil Rights Act"
say yes i don't your stupidity in the US
can u invite me
i want to debate them
no invites in server
it's a gc
but you can DM it
@米饭和面条 btw you can leave any time you want
that was fun to look at
a little boring though
What even
What happenedm
@meriingue ❄ could I debate with them?
I'm sure they cant out illogic me 😂 😂
@米饭和面条 @meriingue ❄ how are you just gonna blue ball us on the details like that?