meriingue ❄
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i got bingo
i found this in a discord server i was in
i have no idea where to put this but i have no words to describe this
man if only she knew that wearing a mask can only reduce the chance of getting coronavirus (correct me if im wrong)
oh that was nice to know
im extremely disappointed
i understand youir reaction
oo and i found something else from a gc im in
that reminds me of someone who told my friends that donald trump is bisexual
i doubt it
but even if he were then what would be the big deal about it
biden's gonna be one of those types of people who say "(color) is sus" and people will immediately vote out that person
well then she better pack her bags since aoc will not be president 😌
none of them in the chat are old enough to vote
everyone in this gc is an idiot
i have come to the conclusion that my friend is an idiot
and why "pro-life"
that just got thrown in there randomly
they both can cry for all i care 👍
> what was the tiktok video anyways
i completely agree
yeah and ask the gay trump supporters
most transgender people are mentally ill and if you give a mentally ill person a gun then they might shoot themselves or shoot other innocent people
y o u r
and i need that video
it is a requirement
for the context, we were talking about the allowed clothing from our school
oh my indeed
same 👍
never have i ever wanted to see my own friends cry
shes gonna see how much she loves america if she moves to canada 👍
shes not the type of person to do that
thats just disgusting
dont they understand
if they dont like it
then leave
they'll realize what a mistake they've made if they did
but they wont cause theyre idiots
of course she made that statement
btw the censored thing was my real name
its in a gc
@米饭和面条 btw you can leave any time you want
that was fun to look at
if what they said is true then i would have been dead a long time ago
and lynching is a thing of the past
i hated when everything was mostly about gender but now i'd like to go back to that
i love how accurate that is
she sounds like she's a little kid who just learned swear words
im gonna be real, even if it wasnt a marxist movement and if it was an actually good movement, then they still wouldnt have cared, and they say they support it because everyone else did
> I don't really like the Confederate flag, but I'm not going to hate on someone just because they have one.
@SPRTNWRRYR1974 yeah same
theres no doubt that trump's gonna win
thats the sad truth
tbh in 2016 i just forced myself to hate trump because everyone else hated him.
thats horrible
> I never hated him but I was also sceptical and everyone in te media said he was bad and I was more naive then now and thought "if they say so it must be true"
@Toilet Hugger i felt the exact same
i honestly hate the riots more than anything else this year
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