Message from @mightytrump
Discord ID: 781793660760752148
they tried to do the same thing with sars
but the world was like nope
The WHO has a history of basically "crying wolf", except replace "wolf" with "PANDEMIC!". <:thinking:726878987837636698>
SARS: In the news briefly, never mentioned again.
Bird Flu: In the news briefly, never mentioned again.
Swine Flu: In the news briefly, never mentioned again.
H1N1: In the news briefly, never mentioned again.
Covid: In the news forever, shut everything down, transform society, reset the world economy, usher in socialism, work towards communism, mandate masks, mandate distancing, rush a vaccine, panic, blame it all on the POTUS.
if you notice before covid all the pandemics were durring barack oboma
And President Obama be like: A pandemic? Oh well, we'll just do nothing AND IT'S GONE! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tbh I didn't even know there was a pandemic durring oboma
cuz I was in elementrary school lol
Maybe that's because viral pandemics _aren't real._ <:thinking:726878987837636698>
what about the boubonic plague that was real
and the black death
Bacterial pandemics might be real, hard to say. I'm questioning everything I've ever been taught.
The fact Madagascar brought it back
wait really?
Wonder how? Exhuming the graves of their dead and performing intercourse. As PJW says, some cultures are better than others
wait so some dudes in madagascar were like let's fuck some dead bodies
It's not "some dudes"
Otherwise it would be fewer cases
well some cultures do weird things
To be fair, if you engage in necrophilia, you deserve any resulting consequences.
like I think in south america in some places to become a man you have to put your hands in a bullet ant nest or something
South American tribes for you
Or American youth 🤔
Nah, American youth just eat Tide Pods™️
*Casually walks up to the guys, "You know necrophilia is making a come back"
Fight Fire With Fire <:thinking:726878987837636698>
The smell of Napalm is the smell of progress
Think about it, the enemies get bombed like normal
But a new level of hell is cast just for them
All the radical liberals are the same kids who would quit a game when they finally had to play the un-fun role
The real reason the press turned against President Donald Trump worse than any presiden in history: After JFK rebelled against the Democrats, it shook their party. they began to try and form a plan. When Ragan, an outsider, came into the Presidential fold, it caused a general panic. pockets were filled and mountains were moved to ensure that a chosen succession of presidents were elected in the years following. The Bushes and Cinton's are related by blood. Obama is a family friend. Obama became the first black president because the Democrat party wanted to gain enough trust to ensure their next choice would be picked. HIlary. Then they wanted HIlary to break that final barier to get all of the women on board. unlikely but they could dream. Then Trump came in and blew their plans sky high because Obama made America mad enough to choose a second Ragan.
the press are in the pockets of the dems and so they kept their negative reports to a minimum