Message from @mightytrump
Discord ID: 781796438740434984
The fact Madagascar brought it back
wait really?
Wonder how? Exhuming the graves of their dead and performing intercourse. As PJW says, some cultures are better than others
wait so some dudes in madagascar were like let's fuck some dead bodies
That is part of their culture
It's not "some dudes"
Otherwise it would be fewer cases
well some cultures do weird things
To be fair, if you engage in necrophilia, you deserve any resulting consequences.
like I think in south america in some places to become a man you have to put your hands in a bullet ant nest or something
South American tribes for you
Or American youth 🤔
Nah, American youth just eat Tide Pods™️
*Casually walks up to the guys, "You know necrophilia is making a come back"
Fight Fire With Fire <:thinking:726878987837636698>
The smell of Napalm is the smell of progress
But a new level of hell is cast just for them
All the radical liberals are the same kids who would quit a game when they finally had to play the un-fun role
The real reason the press turned against President Donald Trump worse than any presiden in history: After JFK rebelled against the Democrats, it shook their party. they began to try and form a plan. When Ragan, an outsider, came into the Presidential fold, it caused a general panic. pockets were filled and mountains were moved to ensure that a chosen succession of presidents were elected in the years following. The Bushes and Cinton's are related by blood. Obama is a family friend. Obama became the first black president because the Democrat party wanted to gain enough trust to ensure their next choice would be picked. HIlary. Then they wanted HIlary to break that final barier to get all of the women on board. unlikely but they could dream. Then Trump came in and blew their plans sky high because Obama made America mad enough to choose a second Ragan.
the press are in the pockets of the dems and so they kept their negative reports to a minimum
but when Trump won the gloves came off because he ruined their plans
Fact: Obese people are responsible for killing more covid patients than trump. If you’re obese and get rona you would beat it easier and faster if you’re not obese. The time spent gettin care obvi takes it away from somebody else, who may need it more than the obese patient. Thanks for putting more strain on the system, I wonder who gets blamed for breaking the camels back 😜.
That makes the presumption that the system can’t handle it, which we also know is not true considering New York.
Unless you’re talking about insurance or simply spreading the virus more often.
So the head scientist for Iran's nuclear program got popped... could be a thing.
Q was always real. They’ve never sent direct answers. That would’ve been a violation of National Security. They’ve only pointed us in the right direction to figure things out. That’s why they keep telling us. WE ARE THE NEWS NOW!👊🏽🧠 “We’ve always had more than we know”. Meaning the truth about all their shady dealings has always been in the open for anyone to see. They’ve just dropped the crumbs leading to all the answers! 😎😎😎😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Do you have proof that q is real in the form of videos, news, photographs or audio recording?
Search Q proofs but yes I have some
Let me know if you need more