Message from @butler

Discord ID: 797243481101041704

2021-01-08 22:18:38 UTC  

u mean comply with the script being flipped?

2021-01-08 22:18:59 UTC  

I kinda also cringe when I see my sport have No Room For Racism

2021-01-08 22:19:04 UTC  


2021-01-08 22:19:16 UTC  

Its very cringy

2021-01-08 22:20:06 UTC  

It might make our stores lose money tbh...

2021-01-08 22:20:19 UTC  

This kinda stuff does that

2021-01-08 22:20:55 UTC  

I already see BLM masks, thats bad enough

2021-01-08 22:21:27 UTC  

why don't we just pick a random diy youtube channel or some such place to tether too if shit goes bad?

2021-01-08 22:23:01 UTC  

i like the censorship
Already in place before biden lmao

2021-01-08 22:23:10 UTC  

like cardi b. videos lol eww

2021-01-08 22:38:15 UTC  

chaz is a troll don't feed the trolls

2021-01-08 22:53:28 UTC  

Yeah i gotcha, his responses kinda gave that away

2021-01-08 22:53:36 UTC  

My Mom and I both work for a super left attorney, and apparently he keeps trying to get my Mom to admit to voting for Trump whenever I'm away, as though she's a future criminal client of his. Hard to believe an old man who went through law school could be so lacking in intelligence as to think the Biden administration is good or competent.

2021-01-08 23:05:47 UTC  

and Gabby Giffords is married to Mark Kelly in AZ

2021-01-08 23:07:04 UTC  

Impressive how biden manages to write like an english professor on twitter but speaks like a toddler in person

2021-01-08 23:07:14 UTC  

I wonder who runs his twitter account for him

2021-01-08 23:18:40 UTC  

"He'S gOt a StUtTeR"

2021-01-08 23:20:57 UTC  

right and my rights arent being violated, whats new?

2021-01-08 23:21:06 UTC  

probably some random tik tok bitch

2021-01-08 23:21:12 UTC  

My friends actually told me that, im like bruh

2021-01-08 23:21:48 UTC  

I know what a stutter is, i have one, thats not a stutter sorry

2021-01-08 23:23:27 UTC  

Naw that’s the thing that happens when u snort to much cocaine

2021-01-08 23:23:37 UTC  

U trip over your words

2021-01-08 23:25:05 UTC  

I can't wait for him to pursue his policy of Trunalimunumaprzure

2021-01-08 23:34:09 UTC  

He really attracted the Pennsylvania voters with that

2021-01-08 23:34:29 UTC  

So must be good

2021-01-08 23:37:16 UTC  

Thank God I am moving to a state without a gun registry

2021-01-08 23:38:40 UTC  

listen to the song "Ain't I Right" if you havent already. A Priest, a Rabbi, a Nun, or an Educated Man can all fall victim to the promises of communism. How? I dont know. It defies all logic, but its sadly the case... and goes to show how evil it really is, and why we are in such a bad situation.

2021-01-08 23:48:36 UTC

2021-01-08 23:55:03 UTC  

I love tea, but I can drink coffee instead. Where we dumping the tea this time?

2021-01-09 00:03:35 UTC  


2021-01-09 00:03:46 UTC  

Love the smell of fresh tea in the morning

2021-01-09 06:57:25 UTC  

I know right?

2021-01-09 06:57:59 UTC  

Yes, it's very simple. You don't feed the hungry in other countries until you've taken care of hunger problems in your own country, for example.

2021-01-09 06:58:05 UTC  

Wanting the best for your country and citizens, above all others FIRST - racist. Wanting stronger borders- racist

2021-01-09 06:58:12 UTC  

But like I said some people don't even think in country's anymore, america doesn't even exist for them. They think in one world, globalistic way. Marxists want like everything to be the same

2021-01-09 06:58:15 UTC  

I just don't get it