Message from @BBakers
Discord ID: 735198077928997005
lol nice
I think it's an improvement
I’m happy that the mlb hasn’t gone full pandering yet like the nfl or the mls and nba but I think they were looking into it so I might be disappointed soon.
They can't handle having it both ways
But at least they're admitting as much instead of holding onto their bias
if someone says ACAB, and they think ANTIFA are good, tell them this, All ATIFA are bad, every single one of them, no excuse! and if they say, well not all of them are bad, tell them, "then how come all cops are bad", and it can end there, OR is they press on and say, "well, they should stop the bad cops, if they dont they are just as bad", tell them "well, the *good* ATIFA should try to stop the bad ones, and they don't so therefore, the *"good"* ATIFA are just as bad as the bad ATIFA, **use their own logic against them**
"Faced with the possibility of a political and/or legal fight, the city suddenly decided that Dan Pease’s sign was a traffic hazard that might cause accidents and they removed it in the middle of the night." xD
> if someone says ACAB, and they think ANTIFA are good, tell them this, All ATIFA are bad, every single one of them, no excuse! and if they say, well not all of them are bad, tell them, "then how come all cops are bad", and it can end there, OR is they press on and say, "well, they should stop the bad cops, if they dont they are just as bad", tell them "well, the *good* ATIFA should try to stop the bad ones, and they don't so therefore, the *"good"* ATIFA are just as bad as the bad ATIFA, **use their own logic against them**
@Dr Badass PhD yes that works too
hey guys, having a bit of an argument with someone. I'm saying BLM is a horrible organization and looking for some examples. Here's what I got so far, I want to keep it kinda short.
Marxism/CCCP fist/Nazi Propaganda, CHAZ/CHOP as a whole, burning of cities, destroying memorials, 200 open domestic terrorist investigations/meeting the definition of terrorism, Susan Rosenburg (Head of BLM funding), not one mention of David Dorn, Patrick Underwood, the 16 yr old killed in CHAZ, the children that have been killed in the violence (the name of the 8 yr old killed in her car), the 59 gun homicides in New York in one weekend of which all victims were black, and the killing of Jessica Doty Whitaker for saying "All lives Matter"
@Luigi Super Guide BLM also doesn't want the 'Nuclear' Family *(Father+Mother+Child)*
Yeah, find that list of "Whiteness" and show them
The hell is this
what he co founder said about white people
the co founder of BLM
it's almost as if these people have never read a law book, 🤔 🤔 🤔
Or took civics
Mr President if reelected will you mandate schools require civics class on all levels?
@Luigi Super Guide You can look on their "About" page, I made a meme of it on the <#724106950018596964> page, you could use the search function.
Their "What we Believe" page is full of LGBT+ rhetoric. They do not mention fathers, once, in terms of a family unit, and instead prefer to have the "it takes a village" approach.
While not inherently, on its' face, wrong, this implies that children should not value the person that literally helped them come to be.
Without knowing what it is to be a father, you can't expect the next boy in line to be one either.
Now this is just infuriating
And they'll keep getting away with it
okay, good news
Ok, now this gets my blood boiling. It's one thing to get another adult to do this, but a child? C'mon
At least he's been arrested. Sometimes prison is too kind of a punishment. But is the woman who helped this guys also in jail?
Im not a fan of cancel culture but that man needs some cancelling
Thats messed up
That guy needs to be executed
> That guy needs to be executed
@Tsar Vladimir Putin That's being too generous